
What can we do in a nursing home?

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My friends and I are going to visit the local nursing home this sunday, for Beta hours. We were thinking of bringing oranges and putting up decorations. Is there anything else that we can do?




  1. Good for YOU!! I commend you for making this choice. Upon going you will find wonderful people that are in a situation that most of us will be in one day.  I have done this and it is what I receive in my heart that is more than I could ever give. But here are a few things.

    Go to a few rooms and say hello and ask if there is anything they might need. Some just want to visit, some might want their nails clipped or something fixed on their bed.  They love something to look at like a simple flower in a vase, a card is wonderful. A simple gestue will be a joy in their day!

    I will guarantee you will go again!!!! Lve, live and a friend!

  2. Sing, read to the residents. Some may need someone to write letters/notes for them or sign cards.

  3. what you're doing is so nice!  i used to be an activities director at an assisted living home, and they would all really like it when i would do a "cooking show" once a month and they would get to sample what i made....also, we played a lot of bingo and i would have a "prize vault" of small items like a deck of cards or tea towels they could choose from.....we also read a lot, had bible studies and sung hymns, played cards, and we would just sit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.....puzzles were fun, and they loved anything musical.....  i love your ideas of bringing something and putting up decorations....although, sometimes the oranges have that skin on each section that is sometimes hard to chew and swallow.....pears or peaches might be better.....  have fun!!!!!

  4. First of all, GOOD for both of you!!!  I am proud of you both!

    Its wonderful that you care enough to spend time with them.

    Read stories to them, talk to them, play Scrabble, work jigsaw puzzles, go for walks, help them with projects they may have.  Regardless of what you do, they will APPRECIATE IT!!!!

  5. I spent 6 months in a nursing home and I know from experience that any interaction you have with patients is appreciated.  Try to spend a few minutes with some of the patients.  Many don't have visitors at all.  Outside food of any sort is great 'cause the food in them usually is not very good.  Take a couple decks of cards; socks are a good gift believe it or not.  Most folks will be happy to see you, and will appreciate whatever you do.

  6. Read to them, spend time with them. ask em how they feel. Some might have no family that vist, make em feel happy :)

  7. sing and communicate.  The elderly love music, especially tunes they can joinend.  And have good listening skills.  The eldery are sometimes forgotton but they have plenty history behind theem.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Also remember that some of the elderly memory is not what it use to be.  Don't be discourage.

  8. arrange a reading session so u can read to them, maybe have a kareokee night for the seniors. that would be fun and funny. =)

  9. read to some of the residents sing to them talk to them about their past

  10. talk to the residents? listen to them? some of them rarely, sometimes never get visitors.

  11. giving them a small token will also be remembered by the residents specially those who don't have any family members.  Just do something small and simple token.  I agree with bringing foods to the patient but be sure to bring something healthy.  I'm sure you will feel a lot different after you go to the nursing home.  Good luck!

  12. Might be nice to chat with some of the people there. If they're in the mood to talk. You can learn alot from older people.

  13. Do some form of music for them!

  14. You can sit and listen to some of the residents; they have a million stories, almost all will have a grandchild that you remind them of, and if you have a digital camera, take pictures of some of these wonderful residents (with and without you in the pictures), print them out, and either return to the home with the pictures, or send a card with the pictures.

    Sometimes, just sitting with them and talking to them will matter so much to them. Just don't talk down to them, and check with the staff in case there are some residents which might not prefer the company.

  15. donate money

  16. Another thing that you could do would be to play an intrument... if any of u or ur friends could play an intrument than the ppl would enjoy that a lot.  You could also play cards with them... some of them might like that.  I hope i helped!

  17. yes does anyone have a dog? omg if the dog is good with people watch how you move heads. touch hearts, the nursing home people will love you all. trust me as a medical person i use to do this while going to school from CNA to Dr. please do this. thanks Kat.

  18. I think it is a wonderful idea. I know they need love and attention and it is not so much what you do but the fact you care enough to show you care. I know they love music. If you have anyone in the group that can play a music instrument and some of you can sing, (and let them sing along)  it will thrill their hearts.

    You might want to get some suggestions from there activity coordinator to see what restrictions there may be. I have a relative-in-law who works is the director of activities and they do have lots of rules and regulations. Another thing you may want to ask is what types of foods you can bring. If you could find out the number of people in there some little hand made gift or book mark to give each one would be wonderful. Most of them do not much attention or gifts, so show them all the love you can. They really love and appreciate the young people. God Bless you and Your Friends!  :)  lol

  19. Love on the old folks and spend time talking to them. Some stink but so did we when we were unable to care for ourselves.

    They need contact one on one.

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