
What can we do next???????

by  |  earlier

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Me and my gf have been going out 4 6 months now we have been to about 5 movies together and are going 2 London together to watch dirty dancing in the west end in November .What can we do between now and then. Remember Im 13 I DO A PAPER ROUND AND GET £30 A WEEK TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDORATION




  1. what????

  2. first think wot type of stuff u enjoy and wot stuff she likes to do coz thats a gd start :)


    How bout

    going to the beach or park, goin to a theme park, a local event eg. The circus, swimmin or save up and go quad bikin or mountin boardin along those lines

    Think outside the box :D

    btw u sound like a really nice boy takin ur gf out like that


  3. How about a pick-nick?

    Make sure you pack flowers and candles.

    Tell her you love her as well.

  4. Romantic picnics are a fantastic day out without braking the bank

  5. Ice skating is always fun, and fairly cheap!

    Or bowling.

  6. how about a meal out

    you can save up a tenner a week for a month

    and treat her to a nice meal

    go to a place you know the prices

    and make sure they are affordable

    you could go early around 6pm so its not busy

    and not be out to late

    that will impress her

    good luck

    you sound like a nice lad

    which is rare these days

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