
What can we do?!??!!?

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Okay so me and my husband have a driveway that is similar to a cul-de-sac. We have lived here for 3 years now and our driveway has always been public domain. We have at LEAST 1 car a day use our driveway as means of turning around to go back in the other direction. And no I am not talking about pulling in and backing up...i'm talking about driving right on into our yard! We have even had a huge truck and trailer come barreling through while we were out in the yard watching! It has become beyond is dangerous. We have dogs and other animals out in the yard and i am afraid someone will run over them. Earlier today someone just drove on our grass and spun out while using our driveway. We have put up "private drive" signs up but this hasnt deterred anyone! Is there ANYTHING we can do to let these passerbyers know that our property is not public??




  1. Get the license plate numbers and call your local police department and let them handle it for you.......

  2. You should get some realistic-looking "No Parking" signs.  My mom did that, and people stopped pulling through her circle driveway.  We went onto this website to get the signs: http:///

    They have the real Tow Away signs with pictures of tow-trucks and the red and black and white aluminum.  I guess they sell to businesses who need "No Parking" and "Reserved Parking" signs.  Oh, I also saw a great one for you.  It's that one that has a picture of a video camera on it!  Make those people think that it's illegal to pull into your driveway and that you're filming them.  I bet that would slow them down.  

    You can also get them made from reflective aluminum, so they'll work at night!

    Good luck!

  3. Get photos or videos of the situation...Then present them to the traffic planning control agency in your town/city as evidence of safety hazards (keep copies of all photos and videos for yourself)...If that doesn't generate any action to your satisfaction, get with your neighbors and start a petition to the local government to address this urgent safety matter..,Again, you'll need full supporting evidence as to why this corrective action needs to be taken...Check the web page for your town to see the particulars for what you need to do.

    All the best.

  4. if you live in Texas you can shoot to kill.

  5. How about get the license plate numbers and calling the police for tresspassing.. Or call your local police department to see what steps need to be taken in order to stop.. Since you have put up private drive, all drivers all tresspassing...

  6. put  some gates,or place some pastic poles with chain links across them,or get some traffic cones,to put across the entrances,annoying a bit when you come and go ,but safer

  7. Throw raw eggs at them!
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