
What can we do to bring 'Harry Potter 6' back to the November 21 release date??

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It's stupid how they've pushed it back to 17 July NEXT YEAR. Us HP fans don't want to wait so long!! It's really unfair, considering how the movie is ready to be released and all :(

I've been signing petitions, but what else can I do to bring back HP to the original release date? What are you doing to help?

I figure if HP fans all around the world do something together, WB would really listen then.........

Please don't answer if you hate Harry Potter.

Alan Horn IS Lord Voldemort!!!!




  1. Who cares really? Honestly, the books are great, but I stopped watching the films after the fourth one. They just butcher the stories for no reason.

    So, take the time to read the whole series again and enjoy.

  2. random videos of you ranting about how stupid WB is for pushing it back,

    I'm might just do that you know

  3. Um, you cant bring it back to the release date because the stupid twight movie jumped into their spot so hp cant get it back.

  4. Probably nothing.

    But we could sign petitions and stuff =]

    LOL Alan Horn is LV totally!

  5. Okay.

    I don't especially like Twilight, it's really nothing special,

    but HP moved not only because of the independence thing, but because they wanted to break box office records like Dark knight, and feared Twilight would kind of steal it's thunder.


    There's really nothing we CAN do. I think I read somewhere that they were ignoring all petitions.

    We could always do something REALLY drastic, but personally, I'm just going to stay in my room and reread the last few books until I start lagging in my schoolwork.

    Harry potter is like drugs, addictive, but instead of being negative, it's completely beneficial and encourages kids to read and explore different worlds.

    Of course, if you're in third grade, you may get labeled "That weird chick who thinks she is a wizard".


  6. Sadly...we're not the studio.  We don't get a choice.  We have to wait..and be upset about it.

  7. Sorry, but the studio has made their decision. They won't go back on it.

  8. Seriously, nothing. It doesn't matter how many petitions you sign, if Warner Brothers says it isn't going to be done till then, then it isn't going to be done till then. Making movies takes a lot of time and effort, (and money), so I'd advise you to just wait patiently and hope that it turns out to be at least as good as the last five!

  9. They're not moving it to November and competing with Twilight.  You aren't the only person who wanted it to stay November and you're not the only person protesting, sending emails, signing petitions, etc.  Maybe someone can come up with something really catchy, like that peanut thing that "Jericho" viewers did when the network canceled the show.  Without a significant reason, the studio isn't going to change their minds.  

  10. Nothing, its a big corporation, they made their decision, they apologized about disappointing the fans, and now we just have to wait until July. Get over it, and move on with your life.

  11. I'd rather have a good movie than a rushed/botched one just so it can be released sooner.

    Patience. Read some fanfiction in the meantime.

  12. the movie wont be back to nov 21. cuz twilight took their place, but maybe you can help with getting it released a little bit earlier then planned?

  13. I am so sorry that you are so young and so used to Instant gratification.   Bug the film makers long enough and They may not bring it out at all.  Grown ups are Still in charge.  Get over it.  I like HP but I can wait.  

    Manners!  Manners. and Please and thank you count a lot more than Whining does.  

  14. Nothing.  Not only has twilight taken it's place but Warner Bros made the decision and they're not going to change their minds, seriously.

  15. If you can give the studio the $200 million or so extra they hope to get by moving the movie to the summer season, then they might consider bringing it back to November. But since Twilight has jumped their movie up to fill its' spot that would also be unlikely. It is entirely a business thing, and no amount of petitions will change the outcome.

    And while you're at it, try sending a petition to JKR to get her to write books 8-20. Maybe that will work too.

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