
What can we do to curb the effect of Global Warming?

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What can we do to curb the effect of Global Warming?




  1. We can possibly limit the impact of global warming by:

    - lowering carbon emissions

    - preserving equatorial forests

    However, the world has seen many cases of global warming well before humans. What is happening now might be caused, triggered or added to by human activity, but if it is truly driven by nature - what can we do?

    Not a lot.

    As we don't know, the carbon emissions and forests are a pretty important starting point. It may well be that we are driving the global warming (and by now, the evidence is getting pretty hard to refute that SOMETHING is happening).


  2. Enact laws, specifically global taxes on greenhouse gas-emitting resources and deforestation.

  3. You cannot "cure" global warming. It has been around for as far back in time as we can measure [based upon ice core samples in Antarctica]. What we are doing now is compounding an age old problem, making it far worse than it has ever been.

    The best way to curb  global warming is also the simplest - and is unlikely to ever happen: reduce the human population. In doing so you've reduced carbon emissions, the need for more coal-fired power plants, fossil fuels... etc. Unfortunately every religion I've encountered in my 51 years of life has some version of "Go forth and multiply" so everything else will be tried before the only truly effective method will be... and by then it will be too late.

    In 1970 China implemented the only effective population control mechanism anywhere. That one program - which limits women to a maximum of two children - has reduced their population growth enough that they can (and do) claim the prevention of 300,000,000 births. Compare that to the United States. In my lifetime the population of the United States has literally doubled.

  4. It begins with the US Senate and its ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.  Write your Senator and threaten the loss of your vote in order to make a difference.

  5. Have you ever asked yourself if there is the possibility that  there could be vested interests - Multi-National Corporations and  their lackys, the political parties - in promoting and financing the "so-called" Global Warming. Perhaps you should investigate which Multi-National Corporation was behind the campaign to ban CFC's, and aquired the Patent for the substitute Fluorcarbons?

  6. The only thing you can do is give all your money to Al Gore and his carbon trading companies. The world is doomed otherwise. Doomed I tell you. LOL the gullible will literally believe anything.

  7. You could stop farting, buy lots of bean-o

  8. To curb it..,

    1) Usage of Eco-Friendly substances...

    2) If u r in a school, u can talk on this topic and u can make ur school friends aware of this HOT TOPIC of the WORLD, if they r unaware.. U can recommend ur teachers to help u on this topic and can do wonders..

    3) U can talk on this topic and by doing soooo u can make ur neighbours aware of this..

    4) Planting of more trees and Afforestation..

  9. Not that I think that any of this would actually have an effect on a natural climate cycle, but here you go:

    No more cruises...shut the whole industry down

    No more NASCAR

    No more Indy 500

    No more rocket launches into space

    No more 4th of July fireworks

    No more attending school unless in walking range

    No more vacation trips unless you walk

    No more campfires

    No more grilling with charcoal OR gas

    No more domestic meat

    No more raised crops unless farmed by hand

    No more visiting grandma...unless by foot

    And finally......

    No more flying thousands of climate experts to luxury resorts in Bali to discuss greenhouse gases

    There's a start for you.

  10. This is a really interesting question, though I think if you asked 'what will we do to curb the effect of Global Warming?' you will receive totally different answers. There are many things that we could do either as individuals or collectivley as humans. Though I doubt, sadly, that we will do anything. I completly expect to be sitting in the dark with no transport apart from donkeys because there is no oil/coal left, and the first question on everybodys lips will be "what happened?,  Why didn't somebody do something?".

       To do anything is going to take such a drastic change of lifestyle that not only would most of the population refuse to consider it but the politicians would not dare to suggest it.

       For example, fuel should be rationed. We reached peak oil production years ago but we now use more than ever. If 4 people were sitting in a life raft drifting in the middle of the sea with only 3 liters of water they would ration it to make sure that there was enough for everyone. I ride my bike as much as possible and if I go down the coast road I see people in speed boats racing around towing kids on inflatable tubes, just for fun!! Burning way more than their fair share of fuel. Considering that stockpiles are becoming more reduced than ever it seems a dreadfull waste. If it was announced world wide that there was only 1 million barrells of oil left I think most people would jump in the car/boat to use as much as possible before it ran out.


    So what will we do to curb the effect of Global Warming?  Nothing.

      What can we do to curb the effect of Global Warming?   Billions of things

  11. nothing... global warming is cyclical.

  12. Cutting down on Methane would be the biggest thing, to have an immediate effect. Since methane breaks down after about 10 years, while carbon dioxide takes around 75 years. and Yes Methane is a green house gas. Main source is of methane in the air is from Livestock actually

  13. We can reduce the Global warming by reducing the vehicle usage instead of using a vehicle to go for all places we can use to go by walk or Cycling so the Greenhouse gas is reduced by us we can also contribute to that.

  14. 1. Plant more trees in all major industrial cities of the world

    2. People in the major cities of the world travel to work by trams

    3. The UN asking Malaysian company Rimbunan Hijau to stop logging in Papua New Guinea.

  15. By 'environmentally friendly' things lol...

  16. - use less oil and coal, preferably not use any at all.

    - Plant billions of new trees, cover as much of the land with trees.

    - collect vast amounts of wood, from trees, and bury it in unused mines.

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