
What can we do to do our part in lowering greenhouse emissions?

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What can we do and what can the government do to lower the amounts of emissions?

For me:

Walk / ride to work at least once every week; can ride every day but too unfit!

Eat kangaroo meat instead of beef / lamb as no land clearing is needed and more drought tolerable.

Install fluro globes or LED lighting

Close curtains and blinds to prevents heat getting in during summer= less need on a/cond. Install insulation to roof and whirly extraction fan on roof.

The government;

More expensive rego for big cylinder cars and 4WD's

Cheaper car park rates for cars with more than 3 people sharing ride.

A good percentage off water rates for people with rainwater tanks.

All new houses to have solar hotwater, double glazed nth facing windows.

Many more ideas. What do you people think?




  1. 1. Individuals and nations can stop being greedy

    2. Nations should remain only competent and not competitive in economical front.

    3. Illegal trafficking of technology transfer should be prevented with a greater co-operation among nations and governments.

    4. Creating a better awareness about emissions and pollutants

  2. Great list maybe I can add we need to build our houses more environmentally friendly so that we can take more advantage of our natural resources  to heat ,cool and light them.

    I saw this story on a school P&C that encouraged children bringing their lunch to have it in a container as opposed to throw away glad wrap.

    The more we do and encourage our children to do the better off they will be in the future.

  3. What a load of c**p.

  4. All good, but greater incentives are needed for eco-friendly house construction. No throw away plastic bags !

  5. Some simple measures I take include recycling everything that can be recyclable as well as buying stuff that is easily recycled.  I also carpool anytime that is possible, use less energy in the home and limit my electronic usage including tv and computer.  I think simple steps will eventually pay off down the road.

  6. Replace all possible lightbulbs with fluorescent  bulbs.

  7. For me:

    Ride my bike / walk instead of driving.

    Eat the fish /crayfish and shellfish I caught instead of shopping.

    Have installed energy light bulbs at home

    Have good insulated house to reduce cooling in summer

    Have borewater and rainwater tank

    Monitor daily consumption of energy use by reading meters

    Grow my own vegies....100% self suffient in vegie and seafood, no need to buy meat .

    Recycle by composting all my waste which fertilise my garden.

  8. There are many more ideas on

    It is a site that focuses on wiser ways of life...

    Hope its helpful.

  9. Your ideas make sense, as do many of the answers you've gotten. I would add that it helps to buy domestic products, and all the better if they're made locally. Think of how much fuel it takes to move those cargo ships!

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