
What can we do to help protect our ecosystems?

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What can we do to help protect our ecosystems?




  1. walk more, drive less.

    use less air conditioning.


  2. The 3Rs - Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

    Most common is recycle, reuse and reduce the use of papers...

    cut down the use of plastics such as plastic bags...

    Smokers cut down in smoking of cigarettes as smoking oso contribute to air pollution...

  3. I know this answer just scratches the surface but,

    1.  recycle (and check that your recycling center really recycles)

    2.  get involved / follow your local planning commission meetings.  Often plans for development are in the works long before the "plans" get media attention.

    3.  get on "watchlists" like the Sierra Club and local environmental groups. . .they often let you know when action is needed

  4. First we need to relealize that we are destroying our ecosystem. Get people see the truth and get the invoved. Global warming, deforestation, usage of fossils fuel are some of the examples, in ways we destroy our ecosystem. By being smart is the first key, encourage other to help our planet. Grow trees, use cloth bad instead of a plastic bag, recycle, try to ride  a bike or walk istead of always driving, plant a tree, if can use a hybrid car, use less electric appliances, use the white bulb these are just few ways to help save our ecosystem. Watch inconvient truth and tell other to watch it and in the end of the movie their are many tips

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