
What can we do to help stop Global Warming?

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What can we do to help stop Global Warming?




  1. If you really care then stop wasting resources and die.

    We'll call it natural selection.

  2. Global Warming is directly related to the suns temperature and solar flares. As the earth temperature rises, the carbon gas increases because of the evaporation / cloud cover that keeps the gas in the atmosphere. Mankind's carbon emissions have little to do with Global Warming, the suns heat correlates with the rise in earths temperature, mans carbon output does not correlate. So theres not much you can do about "global warming".

    You can do lots about getting rid of "big oil" which tends to create war and stifle science see above posts for that. Pollution is also a big issue to act on.

    Many people are working to stop pollution and industry infringing on natural areas. I live in an area where ppl are fighting big corporations: oil and fish farms, and we are getting results...

  3. Get informed and then get political. Corporations run our lives and unless citizens become activists, our lives will be dictated by the short-term profits of corporations. Chief exectives are supposed to look out for the long-term profitability of an enterprise, but they are over-compensated based on short-term results. They also ignore the well-being of people in the pursuit of profits.

    You can stop being wasteful in your purchasing decisions and avoid buying that Hummer. Stop making airline flights that are unnecessary. Stop buying plastic bottles and materials that cause damage to the environment.

    We need a carbon tax and caps. We need to get our state governments and federal governments to adapt new guidelines and taxes for the use of carbon.

    The most important thing is for you to get informed and apply pressure to politicians to do the right thing. Unfortunately, our trade agreements work against the environment because the manufacturing is simply transfered to places that do not have strict standards.

    You need to stop international trade agreements like NAFTA that take away US jobs and become US law under the constitution. International courts can operate in secret and apply economic sanctions against the US if the US decides on higher standards than other countries in the agreement.

    Ralph Nader is the foremost expert in how corporations are taking control and damaging the environment and our lives.

  4. Take action.  Write a speech, inform other people. Don't use a car, take a bike, roller blades, walk, carpool, and other things that do not evolve the burning of fossil fuels. Switch the light bulbs in your house to energy efficient ones. Look up "ways to help stop global warming" on google.

    Hope this helps :)

  5. Nothing. The gw juggernaut is moving too fast. Let us all get a life, and enjoy it while we have it. Remember, we're gone tomorrow and only got today.

  6. look up ways to reduce carbon emissions and encourage others to do the same

    there's not much else you can do

    except get a degree and become a researcher for finding sources of alternative energy

  7. put Al Gore in a nursing home

  8. * Afforestion

    *Reducing the use of vehicles

    *reduction of CFC's

    *No thermal pollution

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