
What can we do to help the people in Darfur?

by Guest58099  |  earlier

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What can we do to help the people in Darfur?




  1. what is happening to the people in Darfur?

    yeah, i'm a little behind

  2. NOTHING.  Help the people around you in your community.  No matter how much money you raise or give it will never EVER get to the people in Dafur.


  3. What is your suggestion ?

    Do you think lack of money for humanitarian aid is the problem..........

    Personally I don't think so - As a little research will show that

    The United States has provided more than $1 billion in humanitarian aid to Darfur since 2003

    In one year Canada pledged $134 million to Darfur

    The current problem appears to be that the media doesn't care any longer and it is out to the public's awareness the moment the media drops it as a headline news story

  4. i don't know maybe we should worry about the home front first

  5. Well Geena

    There is currently Genocide happening in Darfur

    Genocide is a mass killing of people for a certain Reason such as, religion, race, or whatever the case may be.

    And theres nothing much we can do for darfur but send donations and our help. Maybe get involved with the red cross - i know they do a lot o helping in darfur. But nothing that i can think of we can do.

  6. boycott the Olympics.  

  7. I don't know for sure, but it's nice to see people Asking.  Anyone remember Unicef?  Or maybe The Red Cross.. Surely we can do something, no matter how small or big - As in 'The Ripple Effect'.. somewhere!

    I'd like to think I could muster up some time, myself.  Or something.

    They shouldn't have to live (and die) like that and us sitting here with no answers.  

  8. Go to Sudan and discuss it with the dictator which Darfur activists are NOT willing to do. It's their loss.

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