
What can we do to help with the insanely high gas prices? and how can we do it?

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Well I believe that we should have more hybrid cars that run in wind power and solar power etc. but the problem with solar power is that its so expensive to have. any more ideas.




  1. It helps to consider that gas prices were insanely low in the 90's (well under 2$/gal). At 2$/gal it made economic sense to buy a suburban or other large 4wd vehicle and use it for commuting even though you only needed it once or twice a year. Gas was nothing.

    4$/gal isn't insanely high. It just brings into perspective how insanely low gas prices were. If you have a car that gets at least 20mpg in the city, and you don't drive excessively $4/gal gas is not that bad. If you have an economical car that gets 30mpg+ it hardly matters that gas is 4$/gal.

    If you are one of the people that bought a suburban for use once or twice a year, and you use it for commuting, and you live far from work in the suburbs then you need to change something. Gas is never going to come back down and make that a viable situation.

    For many people, it means getting another car, and parking the SUV except when it's needed. For others, it may require a move closer to work, or carpooling. The solution is to change what you need to make, and accept the fact that cheap gas isn't coming back any time soon.

  2. I think the hybrid cars are expensive for a reason which is you might use it on a long run life if u know what I mean coz meantime as u c the prices of the gas are going up and I guess it won't stop and also as they calculated the petrol will end in 2060.

  3. Oh just look at some of my questions and the sites I've posted with what's available to us right now!  Thing is there are TONS of ideas out there and tons more prototypes waiting for manufacturers to perfect and put on the road.

    The thing is no one really wants to give up their SUVS and gigantic vehicles the market has so conveniently been putting out there so they could consume more and more of your cash while their oil buddies profit too and so now they have everyone by the cahones and leave you with no alternatives but to start off with the dinky toys out there.  For most people, students, young stay at home moms, city dwellers, they are perfect and ideal but people can't wrap their minds around the notion of CONSERVATION because they have all been trained to be wasteful guttons.  Comeon you know it's true.  I think the young kids are ready to do what needs to be done but it's all the rich greedy old farts and their spoiled offspring who cling to the notion that they don't owe the world or society anything and they somehow got rich all by themselves and can continue to p**p on society and the world.

    The time for change is here.  It's do or die in more ways than one.  It's going to be an interesting decade if we survive it.

    I like these little guys...

    And of course we already have versions of this too:

    There are SUVS out there too which are hybrids but how many of us have $70,000 and more to spend?

    Would be nice if I did though! ;~)

  4. Maybe this will be of help to you- what I do is walk to the corner stores,postoffice, and just the places close to home. Along with encouraging my family to do the same or you can take the bus or train. One more suggestion is to car pool.However there are other alternatives than building a car I happen to have done some research on the topic and found where this guy Oliver South convereted his BMW to water gas fuel. He has a video that shows step by step how anyone can do this. There is also a review website that I found in my research that covered  a few other companies that are doing the same thing. You might want  to check the review site at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c...

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