
What can we do to make the joke more real?

by  |  earlier

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My mom, me and my cousin went to boston market and when my mom was going to pay my mom took out a $20 bill and it had a purple line on the top, so my cousin said to my mom that she saw on the news that if you have a $20 bill with a purple line you can take it to the bank and they give you $40 for it and if it has a red line they give you $100.

we want my mom to belive it soo we are going to pretend and make a video like the news saying that that is true..

what can we do to make it more real?

And how can we discuise ourselves?

(please no rude comments)




  1. Doesn't have to be a video does it? coz that's kinda hard, just make a website that looks like a proper news website to fool her, i'd say copy the source from a news site and change the picture and one article in it.

  2. Mothers know their children. It isn't going to work. Just see if she'll go to the bank. Make sure she has the time though, because it won't be so funny when she's stressed out and doing a million other things.

  3. Thats so funny!! Well, for sure have to have someone she doesnt know star in it!

  4. get some one your mom has never ment to make the video

  5. you dont say your ages but if your in high school try to have the audio vidio department do it ,

  6. Okay, it's not very nice but I have ways. First don't be in it. Your mom will know it's you no matter how you disguise yourself. Get some friends that look older and that your mom doesn't know [that well].

    I'm not really sure how to make it look more real... Besides the desk, tv thing behind it and stuff. Hope I helped! [Really I hoped I helped!]

  7. Why'd you want to do that? o.o

  8. um its not very funny.

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