
What can we do to prevent European terrorists from entering US?

by Guest62355  |  earlier

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WASHINGTON - European terrorists are trying to enter the United States with European Union passports, and there is no guarantee officials will catch them every time, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday.




  1. We've already really tightened security, especially from the UK to the USA because of all the terrorist plots from UK citizens.   But yes, it's going to be a growing problem and Homeland Security needs to seriously rethink the Visa Waiver Agreement between our countries.

    Well, renoir, it's a good thing your government takes it as seriously as we do or they wouldn't have stopped all those terrorists in the UK before they committed the act -- most of them anyway, and my sympathy to Scotland and Israel for the ones that got away.

  2. Fire Chertoff. He's obviously incompetent.

  3. Keep them all out yes it would upset our economy but look at it this way they would have to set up the U N outside of America

    Please over look the post below He is very upset with us yanks come home early from school found Hersey's wrappers on the floor and uncle Sam were he should not of been He'll get over it One would think those Brits would be use to this by now Those Brits,both female and male sure seem to be interested in that part of our body

  4. " Tighten your boarders "

  5. Chertoff is engaging in a two-pronged scheme. The first part is generally known as C.Y.A.*

    The second is "The barbarians are at the gate".**

    I often wonder what Ronnie Reagan's take would have been on the whole concept behind Homeland Security and the myriad  preemptive  laws and executive edicts. It was Reagan who said, if you'll remember "We can't make things illegal just because they COULD be used to commit a crime.That includes everything from rocks on up."

    One of the things we fought a revolution for was to get away from abusive and arbitrary laws. Now we are wallowing in them with the most expensive bureaucracy ever foisted on any country, Homeland Security.

    * stands for "Cover your A$$", in case things go wrong.

    ** AKA I need more people, money, authority etc. etc. if you expect me to deal with this crises that I've just made you aware of.

  6. all the terrorists from europe are in fact of arab or of middle eastern decent and muslim. they're not indigenous europeans, aka white christians. so don't think that europeans are trying to kill us, it's just the middle easterns. If you don't beleive me look up "Islam in europe" in youtube search and pick the second one. you'll see your answer.

  7. Well all they have to do is fly to Mexico and walk into the U.S., it's not that hard.

  8. Strip search everyone entering the United States - take no chances, do it even to the Brits.

    New York City and thus the territory of the United States of America saw attacked - like an echo of the past, a date that will live in infamy - remember 9/11.

    By Royal Commond of HM Queen Elizabeth II 9/11 London


  9. If the Americans would just stop charging around the world as though they own it,invading countries on the pretext of bringing "democracy" when all they really want is oil and narcotics.then they wouldn't need to feel paranoid about foreigners entering their country.

  10. Close your borders... call all your citizens back from any foreign country they are a huge 1 mile high wall around your country....**** off and leave us all alone.

  11. Introduce visa system for all Eu passport holders - which is happening.

  12. You still believe Chertoff after all those phony red,orange and yellow alerts?

    Is this another ploy to make McCains run for President more acceptable. Hey Chertoff would get to keep his job if Mac won.

  13. What about the "terrorists" in the White House

  14. we need to stop giving them a reason to come to the USA by getting into the business of every single nation , we need to understand than Democracy may not work in every single country there is , we need to let the Arabs fight their own war if war between them its what they want , we need to make sure we improve our relationship with every country which has been told by the USA : ' i don't care what the UN thinks , ill do what i want' , we NEED to change that attitude !

  15. Your government really is a disgrace, it  rules by instilling the fear of god into each and every one of you, every time your government is in trouble it tells you all that terrorists are going to come and blow you all up while you sleep if you even think about complaining, this strategy is proven over time, from locking up respectable Japanese immigrants after Pearl Harbour to Joe McCarthy and his communist under your beds, isn't it time you Americans grew some balls - the males anyway, and stopped crying all the time

  16. Why let anybody in at all?  Seriously.  There do not need to be thousands of people admitted into the US.  If a businessman wants to come, he's easy enough to check out, so is a family traveling for fun, but we don't have any obligation to let people in, so don't.

  17. You should do what we in the UK should also be doing that is to strip citizenship from every person who has become involved in crime .  If they knew that they and their families would be returned to the land from whence they came it would sharpen up thinking about joining some band of nutters who want only to destroy.

    If you are working in a Middle Eastern Country eg the UAE your feet would not touch the ground should you be a suspect in anything criminal whether terrorist or anything else and you certainly would not be made a citizen.

  18. You could of course do what Europeans do when dealing with terrorists from the USA

    Of course you don't appreciate this answer i didn't expect you too.

    the truth is out and you still don't want to see it

    it was US tax dollars that financed most of the terrorists around now that that is slapping you back in the face is of no surprise to us in Europe at all

    oh and we think the the US of A or United States of America should be renamed to the United States of Avarice

  19. Don't sell them tickets

  20. in my opinion there really is nothing we can do i mean if they want to enter into our country they can there probably already here i mean think about it there plenty of things we don't know because frankly our administration hides it from us. I'm also pretty sure that the FBI have arrested numerous amount of people on terrorist suspicions who somehow manage to enter into our country legally. I might be sixteen but i did my research

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