
What can we do to prevent a global famine?

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Will it happen ? What can we do to prevent this?;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=13dp4qol9/EXP=1204947916/**http%3a//




  1. The problem is NOT overpopulation, but the greed of the few who control who gets what, and what gets done!  We have all the knowledge and resources in this world to see to it that everyone in the world is fed.  But big business and big governments want to make their millions and will instead "dump" their products rather than give them to the poor.  It's all about greed.  I don't believe we should be using food (corn) for fuel.  this has only increased the pressure on agriculture.  The farmers now can't find corn to feed their animals, and they still have to pay outrageous gasoline and deisel prices to run those tractors.  And then there is the ban on slaughtering horses as food for other countries.  Other countries see the horse and a FOOD source, not a pet.  But now we can't send our horses to aplace where they could at least benefit someone who needs it, no we have to let them sit in fields doing nothing, feed them hay that is at such a high price pretty soon the horses will be starving, and the grain has doubled in price.  It's just a nightmare! (no pun intended).

    Everyone has these utopian ideas of how we should live but every one of these ideas that are implemented is tremendously hurting other people and their ability to feed their own family!  Poor decisions, bullying by animal rights, greed by politicians, and our own selfishness in wanting the rest of the world to live by our own personal agenda, this is what's causing global famine.  We CAN feed everyone on this planet, no one will let us.

  2. I have read somewhere and beieve in that, famine is not due to calamties but due to unequal resource sharing.

    If you have the courage to share what you have, believe me we have enough to feed the population.

  3. Convince the warlords and dictators of the world to relenquish their power.

    Zimbabwe went from food exporter to starvation in ten years under Mugabe.

    North Korea is starving its population to be a communist dictatorship with a huge military.

    You are welcome to try to do the convincing, but most folks just let whatever is going to be, be.  

    The issue is not food, it is the countries that control their political enemies through food, that is a powerful control.

  4. store food, make sure the food is ditributed well, only have as much as you should.

  5. start by having fewer kids.. I only had 1...

    more kids = more mouths to feed...

    DONT support ANY charity unless it supports teaching birth control..

    we are already over 6.5 BILLION.. we are living longer and more kids are surviving so our population is mushrooming faster than we can keep up.. deforestation and pollution are results of over population NOW - famine is sure to follow on a global level..

  6. Get control over the global misconduct resulting resource depletion of the seas and desertification. Stop turning fertile land to low density suburbs, roads and airports.

    Switch agriculture to less meat and more veg (20- 50 times more efficient per area unit), or at least, reverse global trend.

    Stop relying on food that has travel long distances.

    Curb population growth....

  7. quit using food crops to make ethanol for fuel

    global warming is a scam to kill off the populations of the third world

  8. We can burn up all the vegetables for gas and siphon the exhaust into all our bedrooms to off ourselves.  Problem solved, no more people.

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