
What can we do to prevent car accidents.?

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What can we do to prevent car accidents.?




  1. pay attention while driving

  2. Put the cell phone down and pay attention to the road.

    Don't speed, the highway is not a race track.

    Always allow yourself enough time to get to your destination so you don't have to rush.

    Always use your turn signals so other driver know what your intentions are.

    Don't drink and drive,

  3. have better driving programs for new drivers.

  4. Hey.What i did was to take defense driving course's.They help a great deal.They show you what to look for while your on the road.

  5. you can't prevent everything that could possibly happen. Hanging up the phone would help

  6. One simple rule: Always drive at a speed that allows you to stop easily, on your own side of the road, in the distance you can see is safe.

  7. stop talking on the cell phone, smoking, eating, drinking, or whatever... an pay attention!!

  8. The cars need to be serviced and checked for any problems every month. Maintaining a proper schedule for car servicing is the most basic of all preventive measures.

    Furthermore drivers need to check the front and rear mirrors of the car, as proper mirrors give a clear view of the front and back of the vehicle, thereby avoiding many fatal accidents.

    It's a well-known fact that drinking and driving is deadly. Whenever drivers are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their judgment decreases and they can no longer drive properly.

    Drinking and driving is a punishable offence in the US. For that matter operation of any machinery under the influence of liquor is strictly prohibited.

    Drivers need to maintain proper a distance between two cars to avoid rear end collisions.

    Drivers should also not attempt to reach for items in the car while driving. There is a chance the driver could lose control of the vehicle and cause a serious accident.

    Road rage is not good, and drivers need to maintain their cool while driving. Thus, a lot of car accidents can be prevented if the drivers follow the rules of the road.

  9. get off the phone, put down the sandwhich, set down the super jumbo coffee, shut off the GPS, shut off your DVD player and pay's that simple

  10. I know what I can do to prevent accidents. What can YOU do?

  11. Basic good habits will keep you much safer....such as...

    Increase your following distance (3-4 seconds in town, 6-8 on higher speed roads).

    Develop good scanning habits when approaching intersections.....left, right, then left again (the guy coming from the left will hit you first on any two way street), and scan often and well ahead of you, as well as in mirrors every 5-8 seconds in heavier traffic situations.

    Check your rear view mirror whenever braking to ensure no one will hit you. Leaving that extra space ahead of you will allow you to pull up a bit if someone skids towards the rear of your vehicle or isn't paying attention.

    Always, always, always shoulder check BEFORE you attempt any lane change or turn......if it's a habit, you'll always see the hazard and prevent a crash or injury to a child on a bike for example. Children seem to magically appear on their bikes when making left turns [grin]....

    Don't become distracted while driving. This is difficult with cell phones, passengers and picking dropped items up from the floor, but there is a time and a place for all of this. Self-discipline is a good rule of thumb in all driving situations of course.

    Extreme emotions such as anger, being excited, impatience also contribute to unsafe driving.

    In order to develop safe driving techniques, skills and habits, taking a few driving lessons will give you some additional information regarding safety on the roads.

    You can only control what YOU do behind the wheel. We all have to "babysit" the other people out there.....whether they are good drivers or not.

  12. Hang up the phone and slow down.

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