
What can we do to prevent the Sea Level Rising?

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How can we help prevent that from happening?




  1. I don't think we can prevent the sea level rising since most of the ice are melting already. I think we should make a machine that turns salt water into fresh water that people can drink. Then, we will have no problem of the sea level rising and we also can have plenty of water. :)

  2. Give it a time out, nothing else is going to work.  They rise, they fall, its just things are.

  3. There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid such disaster. I will mention some now.

    1- Avoid driving your car everyday. The car launchs a lot CFC in the air that lead to the destruction of the Ozone layer. Instead of that please take a public transportation like buses, train, or subway. If you live closed to your destination take a walk or run to that place.

    2- Don't kill the plants and trees because those plants and trees help  to clean our air against chemicals and polution launched by cars and industries. The certain amount of air polution in the air launched by cars and industries will not only make us sick, but also make our air dirty and contribute to the change of the weather increasing the temperature of the place, diminuishing the level of humidity in the air; causing then asthmas, and finally making the iceberg to be melted.

    3- Don't waste water and other natural resources. The water is the source that helps  plants to grow. If plants grow, the plants will make clorofil that will help to clean the air. If the air is clean, the weather will not be affected and the iceberg will not melt. If the iceberg is not melted, the level of the sea will not rise.

    4-Please help your community to be aware of enviromental problems in the world and encourage them to make recycle. If you recycle products like bottle, papers, cans, aluminium, plastics and othe products, you will contribute to the nature by not making more wasting. If there is no recycle process, your community will have to spend more money to make more products and more minerals will have to be explored, what will cause a great impact in the nature; causing then global warming that will lead to the raise of the sea level.

  4. where exactly is the sea level rising? you arent mistaking this for high tide are you?

  5. It cannot be done.  As the global temperature increases (which is inevitable) sea levels will rise.

  6. Build a wall around Antarctica to keep the ice from falling into the ocean.

  7. dump the extra water out in space.

  8. Drink more water!!

  9. the ozon is protecting our planet out of

    heavy sunrise but its getting damaged at the

    moment cuz of people cuz they make heavy

    factories which throws out smoke with gas

    in em which could damage the ozon shield ...

    and the second worst thing is the smoke

    thats coming out of our vehicales around the world

    so the ozon shield is getting damaged

    and the sun shine is affecting the planet

    more than the normal level making

    the ice burgs melt and turned to water

    then the sea water level

    rises becuz of it ...

    the only way to stop it is by redusing the amount of

    vehicales people are using which is not gonna happen

    and by using environmental friendly vehicales

    which runs on solar power and battery or

    water which will take another 10 years time maybe ...

    and those factories needs to stop or they

    need to find a alternative way to

    put out those chemical smokes without infecting

    the nature ... which aint gonna happen either ...

  10. too late. it`s been prophetise that all the islands of the world will desapear. now we know why and how it will happen.

    you know what? sometime the world  can be very much so like a spoiled kid that become a brat. once it`s spoiled it can be too late to change the attitude of this kid and in that matter, the world.

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