
What can we do to "go green"?

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What do you do to protect our environment? What would inspire you to take action?




  1. There are lots of ways to go green.  My family has increased recycling and reduced the amount of chemicals we put out in our water system via the laundry process.  We did this by stopping the use and need for laundry detergents with a LaundryPure.  

    See the LaundryPure under water products:

  2. There are simple ways to reduce pollution affecting global

    climate. Yet, they will never be implemented because of the hudge profits generated from doing nothing.

    (1) Drive Thrus: Cars idling in Edmonton's Drive-Thrus contribute 9000 tons of Green House Gases into the air in one YEAR alone. Calculate 115 cities, same population, same drive thrus and you have 1 MILLION TONS of Green House Gases released into the air we breath in one year alone. All we have to do is walk inside the store, not hard.

    Lately I've walked into the store.

    Yet, they plan on building more drive-thrus involving 7-eleven stores, Taco Bell, fast food rest etc. Now how can this reduce pollution and global climate change caused from it?

    It doesn't.

    (2) Factory farms housing 50 billion animals produce more waste and pollution then all other industries combined.

    That is shocking.

    Where does waste from 50 billion animals end up?

    And what is robbed to feed them. Where do all the dead

    animals end up?

    Just by society eating meat alone we produce more waste, disease and pollution then all other combined industries.

    This however won't change as long as we eat meat. Furthermore, the profits from factory farming and its filth is far too great.

    By eating meat we are supporting a greedy industry that hides beneath their production of unhealthy food, their massive waste output and the excessive waste, air and water

    pollution worldwide that is caused from Factory Farming.

    I've become a vegatarian

    View video on the facts of the actual pollution factory farming is causing worldwide and other videos on going green in regards to a healthier diet.

  3. I ride a bike to the office.

  4. First of all I would use the world's cleanest car coming out in 2008.  It uses only compressed air to run.

    Second I would get more live potted plants into your work and home environments.  This would remove the dangerous unseen gases and make more oxygen for a healthier environment.  NASA's Clean Air Plant Study has inspired me to bring these live potted plants into my home and educate others of this great simple task anyone can do.

  5. Plant a TREE


    My answer to how to make the world a better place:

    a few things I can do personally

    (as I'm not always a community type person...)

    1- Follow the Golden Rule

    (treat others how you would WANT to be treated.)

    2- Environmental Awareness

    (*change my light bulbs, *use canvas bags backpacks etc instead of plastic bags, *use public transportation, *eat a whole foods based diet, and *compost and recycle)

    3- Be part of the solution not the problem (in any issue!!!)


  7. Please wrap your christams presents with newspaper! Wrapping paper can't be recycled and enough of it is thrown out every year to wrap around the world at least twice! Also try turning off your computer(s) at night. If everyone did that every night global warming would be gone in 5 years!

  8. i do everything i possibly can.

    like unplugging electronics.


    use energy efficient lightbulbs.

    and alot more.

    the world inspired me.people inspired me.not the good in people but the bad. most people dont care about the evironment so i took action.

  9. I buy earth friendly cleaners from the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its C02 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. And I don't drive to the store to buy them. They are shipped to my house by UPS - who has put in processes to cut the amount of resources they use to make deliveries.

    The company is environmentally friendly & the products are environmentally friendly. It's a win-win!

  10. Buy non-wasting gas cars! THEY HELP......ALOT!

  11. Buy less stuff and eat less meat and dairy.

  12. get sick

  13. I use essential oils and household ingredients.

    Lavender is great for wiping all skirting boards and window ledges,it combats fleas and other insects too.

    Citronella oil is more effective in the summer

    Aloe Vera and tea tree is also good .

    I use bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to clear sinks and drains, baby oil to shine up stainless steels ,lemon juice to degrease washing up etc

    I compost all kitchen waste, I run an allotment and help reduce leaves in the neighborhood on my leaf mulch.

    I recycle magazines,junk mail and make my own gift wrap, labels and cards, then I Make my own gifts....Recycle seeds, cuttings, cut flowers,herbs or veg into a gift hamper.

    Recycle old photo frames to create collages for relatives

    The list is endless innovative and inspiring

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