
What can we do to rationally stop the human rights violations in Iran?

by Guest45051  |  earlier

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  1. We could work with international organizations like Amnesty International, the World Court and even the UN to set standards and put sanctions on countries who violate the standards.  One country can't set human rights standards for the whole world.

    And we could criticize -all- nations that violate human rights standards, not just the ones we don't like, so it doesn't look like we are using human rights just as a weapon against those we don't like.

    And we could follow the standards OURSELVES and be a good example, instead of hypocritically assuming they apply only to other nations.

  2. Nothing before there is only one country that the world cares about their violation of human rights.

    That would be U.S.

    All others are forgiven you won't see much protest if they violate human rights only when the U.S. does something or charge will the world care.

    Iran can do anything it wants.

  3. Regime change and nation building would seem an avenue.  I don't think the current Iranian government is interested in making life better for a majority of its people.

  4. nothing, Let them be. Tired of gettin involved in other countries, we always turn out to be the bad guys

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