
What can we do to reduce global warming in New York?

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What are people doing to stop global warming?




  1. We are waiting till the sun decides to decrease in activity level.

    It breaks my heart to see peoples ignorant answers 'supporting' global warming theory. I myself used to believe global warming is happening but when I looked at the REAL science, it said otherwise.

    I wish all global warming believers knew what I know.

  2. rooftop greenspace.

    If half the flat rooftops in NYC would go green and plant grass, trees, vegetables, whatever, the heat bubble of the city would go away. It may not have any effect on global warming, but it's a start.

  3. Ban flatulence.

  4. reduce carbon dioxide emissions by carpooling, biking, catching the bus, keeping your house properly insulated, recycling, using less gasoline, plant more trees and cut less, maybe get a more fuel efficient car as a hybrid or some other environmental friendly car as an electric car, and encouraging others to do the same.

  5. Ban every kind of transportation except mass transit. (Subways)

  6. no such thing as global warming  the earth has cycles, yes polution in vast amounts hurts the ozone but not enough to cause any global warming. yea i know what your saying right now but this is proven on cnn last week by a team of scientists, you should try to watch this episode.

  7. simply we have to stop car, buses or fuel burning transportations 'cause those are the main release of carbon dioxide. and shut down any perfume which is entering CFC in it's perfume bottels. and stop burning garbage and put filters for all the factories. hope it's the best answer. good luk for any good answer

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