
What can we do to save natural vegetation and wildlife of our country?

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What can we do to save natural vegetation and wildlife of our country?




  1. Vegetation? Stop splicing it with other dna and c**p. Wildlife, be more strict with hunting seasons, and increase charges for poachers.

  2. get the gov't out of it, every thing they manage goes to h**l.

  3. start rethinking the building process...

    incorporate wildlife/vegetation whenever possible

    replant whenever possible

    stop making so many abandoned buildings go to waste...

    reorganize living patterns in cities and suburbia

    make sure designated reservations are adequately stocked with natural/native foods and prey for wildlife and that populations are kept in balance...

    incorporate vertical planting and rooftop planting

    for our own supplies community gardens each responsible for certain things to take to market and good crop practices...

    remove as many man made toxins as possible in production pollution trickles in the air, the water, the plants , the food.....

    and then some... this is just a start

  4. they really do not need your help, or mine, they do just fine, thank you, we as people do need to be protected from idiotic taxonomists and their idiotic politicians and greenie weenie liberal judges who change the esa and their supporters with an agenda to shut down all human productivity in this country, however, but that is another question.

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