
What can we do to save the earth of global warming?

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What can we do to save the earth of global warming?




  1. Reducing your individual environmental footprint is the goal. We can do this by adding renewable energies to our home like solar and wind power, reducing waste (so we don't have to go buy more, more, more), recycling also plays a role.

    We also need to get our governments moving on the subject in massive ways. A letter to your local official would be great.

  2. Technically, I think, global warming has been around for a while now, we just didn't realize it because it didn't seem much back then.

    We can help save the earth from global warming by riding buses instead of driving our cars. Cars and factories are some of the cause of global warming. They release chemicals into the air that are not needed, which builds up the green house gases, causing our o-zone to become thin and warms up the earth. However, if we close factories, a great number of people will be unemployed. Which comes to the conclusion that we cannot really save earth from global warming, unless we completely stop what we are doing.

  3. The only ism the World can follow now is GANDHISM!  Mahatma Gandhi CALLED UPON the EDUCATED YOUTHS to go and develop VILLAGES with agricultural and COTTAGE industrial activities, instead of BROODING OVER poverty, diseases and unemployment!  Alas!  We did not give the needed SERIOUS THOUGHT to his ADVICE so far, to lead a DIGNIFIED RICH WAY OF LIFE for all of us, that too retrieving the AD 15th Century CLIMATE, throughout the GLOBE!  He said that PRAYER is the personal affair of individuals!  So, the present day worship/prayer under the so-called guidance of religious leaders is not only absurd but also amounts to misguidance!  Similarly, the arrogant way of sticking to some of these isms, viz., capitalism, communism, socialism, secularism, industrialism, consumerism fraudism, rapism, terrorism and the like have not yielded any positive result of narrowing the divide between rich and poor for centuries now definitely at all!  Rather, we are all getting further degraded year after year, month after month, week after week, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second, please!  So, let us boldly start to follow GANDHISM to retrieve the climate of AD 15th Century and get it done within the next five or ten or fifteen years, step by step, but definitely, surely and totally for the whole World, with the GRACE of our real GOD!  

    Are we really serious in bringing the global warming and climate change to the level of the AD 15th Century?  Then, are we all ready without preconditions to follow as under?

    01.  Stop all mining operations throughout the globe and start recycling the wastes only for our absolute needs without resorting to mass production.  This procedure alone can cut the emission of dangerous gases and effluents into our biosphere.

    02.  Stop cutting the trees and wiping out forests everywhere, even a tree by the side of a house or road should not be cut.  Start planting saplings of yielding trees wherever there is space including the hills, hillocks, waste lands, etc. taking care to grow these into trees.  This step alone can split carbon dioxide fully into food produce and oxygen, manage to rain evenly everywhere, and arrest flooding some regions and stop famine and hunger in some other regions experienced by us.

    03.  Installing a community bio-gas plant in every village/town and suburbs of cities can be the best way of disposing the excreta of the animal kingdom, which includes HUMAN too.  That way, sewage water need not be drained into rivers, ponds, lakes and seas and POURAKARMIKAS need not die every now and then in manhole, as of now!  The biogas can be used for cooking, lighting and drying and even refrigeration!  The byproduct – DRY compost manure is free from bad smell and can be used for reclaiming wastelands through planting yielding trees!

    04.   It is interesting to note that plant proteins consumed by the animal kingdom are converted into animal proteins, which further BREAK UP into UREA and AMINO ACIDS during REDUCTION in the body cells of the animal kingdom!  So, the wastes excreted by the animal kingdom SERVE as NUTRITIOUS FOOD to the plant kingdom again and thus, BIO-WASTES is to be cleared without accumulation, on this Earth!  Thus, bumper crops and yields with quality produce can be achieved by one and all, please!

    05.  Further, the quantity of this dry compost manure will be so large that all agricultural, horticultural and floricultural activities can get high yields using it and need not depend on the chemical fertilizers any longer!  Thus, the atmosphere will not be polluted with methane at all.  Imagine of the savings and the clean environment of the future, by this one project itself!  It is also necessary for us to have sewage water treatment plants as well as drinking water purifying plants to maintain high level of hygiene and healthy environment.  This way, water can be available to reclaim wastelands also!  In fact, in this way more areas of all regions will go under cultivation with high yields and nobody can be poor at all.

    06.  Give up driving the automobiles to travel a distance up to FIVE kilometers and practice walking the distance, even if it were to reach the workplace.  Can change over to bicycles and simple/battery-operated mopeds.  This practice will reduce the monoxide addition into our atmosphere and depletion of ozone to a great extent.

    07.  Use only public conveyances like buses, trains, trams, ships and airplanes for the regular travel, instead of chartering cars, ships and planes exclusively for an individual.  Try to have electrical traction for all land routes.

    08.  The lobbies of liquor, tobacco, narcotic drugs, hazardous chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, refrigerants, coolants, foam and plastics, artificial clothing, mining, heavy industry, brokering & speculation, hire purchase-consumerism, cut-throat competition, under world dons, politicizing every issue must give up their present job and enter the most attractive business of handicrafts, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, etc. and train up the unskilled labourers in these trades, an action left out by that East India Company long ago and bring all the lands under mass rural development by inter-connecting rivers with canals, wherever necessary to avoid flooding of rainwater in the globe, by also desilting the ponds, lakes, rivers, canals and dams to hold more rainwater from draining into the seas in vain without even one lobby or part thereof shooting at a tangent.  We can also get rid of mosquitoes, pests, viruses and weeds by this way and thereby many diseases in the villages, towns and cities, without even looking for medical treatment.

    09.  Spread the message of THE SACRED THESIS to one and all in their own language by including it in the school and college curriculum.  All must understand the message in the correct perspective without diluting it, as this is the essence of all religious faiths to unite them.  We must understand why we should pray to the REAL GOD!  The present curriculum was drafted by Sir McCauley for educating students to take up clerical jobs in the East India Company and we are blindly following it, without even understanding the inability of the students coming out of universities throughout the World to take up the present day challenges in life.

    10.  While praying our GOD is the personal affair of every individual, as rightly pointed out by Mahatma Gandhi, let not the so called religious leaders hold everyone through witchcraft, black magic, hypnotism, mesmerism and superstitious rituals, to the detriment of the harmony of the World Society.

    11.  Let not the film and serial producers indulge in wild scenes of rape, murder, terrorism, destruction, unjust practices of cheating, intimidation, defrauding, raping, etc. through action cinemas and TV serials.  Hollywood should take the basic responsibility for the present state of affairs of the World Society, as their cinemas are screened throughout the globe and instantly copied by others.  So, they should realize that they have licence to start-filming moral exhibits only everywhere.  This point is relevant for writers and publishers too.

    12.  Politicians of all walks must give up politicizing everything and blowing things disproportionately.  Over doing in politicking results in street riots first and destruction of the civilization through militancy, war and terrorism, even beyond their own control in due course, as proved everywhere.

    13.  Whether they are in power or in opposition, these politicians should work only for the progress and development to prosperity, happiness and peace of the society.

    14.  Earning at the cost and to the detriment of the society is prohibited for all.  Let us not give life to the lifeless currencies by speculation and broking.  Let us introduce a single currency for the whole World to ease the problems in the barter deals of commodities.  Let us not turn our children to be lazy and obese without any interest even to think.  So, the very CORRUPTION and substandard work must leave us, once for all.

    15.  Stop producing weapons and hazardous chemicals including explosives of all types, capacities and ranges forever.  When SWEET words are there to exhibit LOVE for total cooperation for prosperity, happiness and peace, do not use bitter words holding everyone at ransom with weapons.            

    16.  Do not waste anything.  Try to share everything with the under privileged for total harmony, understanding that we should develop tolerance for coexistence even with fools and idiots, for our survival, as they should not take us beyond the point of no return.  The idea that fittest will survive or might is right has gone to dogs; now our slogan is TOLERANT COEXISTENCE FOR OUR SURVIVAL, please.

    17.  Stop constructing concrete structures and bitumen roads in cities, towns and everywhere, as this practice increases the heat of the environment more seriously.  We can spread out to have cottages with terracotta surfaces for our living with the amenities listed by me anywhere with normal roads with proper maintenance after every rainy season. The surroundings can be with yielding trees.  

    18.  Mahatma Gandhi preached TRUTH as our tool to progress under NONVIOLENCE.  So, let us talk the TRUTH without instigating VIOLENCE, anywhere.  Other citizens of this World can add more relevant points for our benefit, as they have a RIGHT also to correct me.  Results are bound to come, from about FIVE years, should we be serious about it.

  4. Wow sure have lots of information about how to save the earth. huh...if u think this is an insult, no its not..more else is a good compliment...=)

    OK to me we should always think about the 3Rs which is

    Reuse, Reduce and Recycle for our earth!! (soz if thats out of the question...)

    But here is a website that u can check it out...:

    There are ten thing u could do to stop global warming in that website..

    Hope it helps u..=)

    p.s. I don't think that my ans actually relates to yr question... =s

  5. People have to change their mindsets! These little things that most people list at this point will not do enough! They help,  but are just not sufficient. After a few years you will see that things are not getting better. Most of the real problems can be traced from over-population. Do you really believe you can convince everybody to change? Even 50%?

    Don't breed! Don't encourage others to breed. Support political changes to remove that social and financial advantages people get from breeding so much.

  6. First, we must stop using oil and coal, completely stop.

    Do you think we will ever do that?

    But, we are running out of oil and the price is so high, now, that we will. Not because of Global Warming but because of the high price of oil.

    But, India is switching power plants from oil to coal, and that will accelerate Global Warming and India and Bangladesh will be among the first major casualties from Global Warming. When they are all dead, their power plants will be destroyed and humanity, the survivors, will start civilization all over. We might get down from 7 Billion people down to less than one Billion, within a century.

    You see, the process of Global Warming feeds on itself and accelerates. It is very hard to note the effects now, but when the airport in San Francisco and Oakland require levees to survive we will all be believers and we shall have a V-8 moment and hit our forehead so hard we will pass out.

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