Israel says it is only defending itself but that's not the Truth. Israel has continually flauanted UN resolutions, bulldozed innocent Palistinian homes and built towns on hilltops in Palistinian land. Israel bombs innocent people and won't allow them to hospital. Israel is doing to the Palistinians what Hitler did to the Jews in Poland.
Volunteers from around the world and even Israeli's who still have a concience, have risked their lives to help the stop genicide of Palistinians. Please, don't say Israel is our ally. Israel has run over American woman trying to save an innocent Palistinian's home with a bulldozer and Israel never has appologized. Israel has even bombed American navy ships - has harbored murderers from America because they were Jewish. Israel is NOT an ally and never will be until it stops it's aparthied practices that even President Carter declared were inhumane.
We all know this. The question is: How do we stop it?