
What can we do to stop Israeli aggression?

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Israel says it is only defending itself but that's not the Truth. Israel has continually flauanted UN resolutions, bulldozed innocent Palistinian homes and built towns on hilltops in Palistinian land. Israel bombs innocent people and won't allow them to hospital. Israel is doing to the Palistinians what Hitler did to the Jews in Poland.

Volunteers from around the world and even Israeli's who still have a concience, have risked their lives to help the stop genicide of Palistinians. Please, don't say Israel is our ally. Israel has run over American woman trying to save an innocent Palistinian's home with a bulldozer and Israel never has appologized. Israel has even bombed American navy ships - has harbored murderers from America because they were Jewish. Israel is NOT an ally and never will be until it stops it's aparthied practices that even President Carter declared were inhumane.

We all know this. The question is: How do we stop it?




  1. Stop firing rockets at them, Einstein.

  2. Israel is using the whole "defending itself" bullshit as an excuse.  They are the instigators here.  The Palestinians are the ones trying to defend themselves!  Who has the weapons, the army, the bombs? Israel!

    "Israel" is a terrorist state by every definition of the word. They are committing terrorist acts against the poor, defenseless Palestinians. Innocent Palestinians are being murdered by the thousands. Not only that, the Israelis have denied them basic rights, and STOLE their land. You see the Jews started this whole conflict. Everything was peaceful until the Jews came and FORCED the Palestinians to leave. The Palestinians have lost their land, their homes, and many of their loved ones. Do you honestly expect the Palestinians not to do anything about it? The Israelis are getting away with murder! The Palestinians want justice!

    The Israelis have an unfair advantage: they've got a whole army, tanks, guns, jets, etc from the United States. They are given 6 billion dollars from the U.S every year, which they use to finance their military, which they in turn use against the defenseless Palestinians. The Israelis abuse, kill, and use the poor Palestinians as human shields. They dehumanize Palestinians and treat them like animals.

    A big problem is that so many people in the world is so IGNORANT about what is really going on in Gaza.  People need to start to wake up and realize that innocent Palestinians (many of which are children) are being slaughtered.  The U.N needs to acknowledge that there is indeed a genocide going on.   The UN took so long to realize the genocides that were happening in Rwanda, Sudan, and Bosina.  And they're doing the same thing about the Palestinian genocide!  Another issue is that much of the U.S government has large Jewish influence.  There many pro-Israel lobbying groups. Also much of the media in the U.S is biased toward Israel and tend to protray the Palestinians as terrorists when that cannot be further from the truth. People are not getting the true picture. The reality is the Palestinians are the victims here. The Israeli Jews have become the n***s now. And they've been committing genocide in Gaza. The rest of the world needs to stop ignoring this ongoing massacre and stop this holocaust.

  3. First, put down the crack pipe.

    When you say innocent Palestinians are you referring to the ones launching military rockets from Syria and Iran into major Israeli population centers... or the ones suicide bombing crowded civilian buses and cafes in Israel?

    "Israel is doing to the Palistinians what Hitler did to the Jews in Poland."

    What - packing them into concentration camps and then systematically exterminating their entire race? If so that's very peculiar... because you (and maybe President Ahmadinejad) seem to be the only person on the planet who has noticed... then again, maybe you're just imagining things?

  4. Give them ALL of the Middle East to rule over for eternity. Go Saudi-Israelia!

  5. Please don't be brainwashed. Israel is the most peaceful nation on earth.

    ►I am sorry to say you are being brainwashed big time and anti-semitic.◄

    I will not waste my time arguing with  you.

    And please do not quote president carter who has been known as the biggest Israel hater of all times.  What a pity that this hateful man was once our president.    he does not even deserve to be anybody's governor.  totally useless president, totally useless individual.

  6. Just blow yourself up... or blow yourself.

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