
What can we do to stop PETA?

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It looks like these lunatics are getting too much attention. Some messed up Hollywood folks actually support them and now it looks like this organization is actually normal. This organization is trying to stop the research for AIDS cure. The scientist can not do their noble work and leave the country. What can we do to return to common sense in this country?

P.S. Those who support this nonsense, please shut up once and let me hear the voice of reasonable people.




  1. I myself support PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) The venison back strap I had for dinner was great!

  2. PETA isn't trying to stop the research, they're trying to stop the testing on harmless animals.  No, I'm not a member, and yes I eat meat... I work in a deli for gods sake!.... But I do agree that testing on animals is cruel, and needs to be stopped. If scientists want to test on animals then they can test on willing, HUMAN participants. Why don't you actually do RESEARCH before you criticize?

  3. Peta's motto for animals is "better off dead"-- than being a pet.  Pets are like poor slaves to Peta people, so they kill the animals that they claim they are going to adopt out.

    Peta people in North Carolina were arrested for dumping those carcasses behind a chinese food restaurant and people thought the restaurant was cooking up dogs and cats.  The restaurant had to go out of business after their reputation was ruined, but Peta is still around.

    Peta gets lots of money from stupid television viewers -- MILLIONS.

    Don't you wish spokesperson Pamela Anderson knew about this?

  4. End animal cruelty in all areas and PETA won't need to exist. Medical research without animal experimentation is doable so why rant against it if you don't know how it can be done. It's not about stopping research - it's just about saying "hey, here's an alternative way to do it which isn't cruel". When the drug companies will not provide the medications cheaply on mass where it's needed it is a real scandal.

  5. I doubt PETA will ever have a lot of power. I doubt they affect any legislation at all.

  6. No group is ever going to appeal to everyone.

    However, we all have equal rights, and we all have the right to express those freedoms.

    There are a lot worse groups out there than PETA. (No, I don't agree with PETA either, but I respect thier beliefs, just like I expect them to respect my right to eat meat)

  7. You can't stop people from expressing their opinions.

    Some of PETA's beliefs are very valid but some, like you suggest can be too extreme. I am an animal lover and would happily abolish all forms of animal testing and vivisection except for medical research.

    The answer for how to stop them is simple:

    Stop abusing animals for vanity, entertainment and food. Then maybe when we really do have to call on our animal friends to help us work towards a cure for a disease it won't be seen as 'just another form of animal abuse'.

  8. I see we have a lot of PhDs here in medical studies tonight.

    Or more likely people who have bought PETA's BS hook line and sinker.

    My money in on the latter.

    I use to work in labs with animals and they were treated very well and there are lots of people alive today because of the work they do and animals also.

    No like animals studes.

    Than don't take medicine or go to the doctor or use any household products.

  9. First you have to differentiate between PETA members & sympathizers & PETA leaders.

    The first group for the most part are good people who love animals - nothing wrong with that. Sadly they have been misled by the PETA founders & leaders.

    PETA founders have diverted funds to groups on the US government's terrorist watch groups & support "ecological terrorism". PETA members choose to ignore or disbelieve this fact.

    I know several people involved in medical research using live animals. They do not purposefully abuse animals, abhor the thought of that & are shocked by the false claims PETA makes. Their research CAN NOT be done using computer models & by US law must be done on animals BEFORE using humans.

    So all I can say is - Eat more beef & do not send any money to PETA.

  10. research does NOT have to be done on animals. Period.

  11. Easy there.

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