
What can we do to stop hoodies taking over

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i am sick of hoodies making my commuinty a living h**l people are scared to go out at night kids who dont want to be part of these gangs stay indoors playing computer games because they know if they go out they risk being attacked by this scum they openly abuse people and damage property and nothing seems to get done about it it seems what they get a way with gets worse and worse by the day what do you think should be done about this




  1. tell them theres gonna be a big bonfire party (an excuse 4 them to grt hammerd) then surround them at the prty and push them in the fire

  2. The community can stop being uninvolved. The police aren't there to protect you and risk their lives for you. It has to be the people in the community who are going to have to change the situation. If you let them takeover then they will. The best the police can do is perhaps arrest someone after they've done something.

  3. The only way to solve the problem is not to be intimidated by them, like all bullies they don't like people standing up to them.

    If any of thesetypes tried intimadiating my family they would quickly get sorted out, luckily for me I'm not the sort of person who is easily intimidated even at 52 yrs old, I am over 6 foot tall and my two grown up sons who live with me and the wife are both over 6 foot 3.

    When 5 youths tried to mug my two sons the youths all came worse off, it's a good job I wasn't there or all 5 would have ended up in hospital.

    You have got  to stand up for yourselves.

  4. bring back the death penalty or make the prisons tougher and not like holiday camps

  5. Well I don't show them that I am scared,when I see a hoodie gang and they are blocking the path then I walk straight through the middle of them with my head held up,showing them that you are scared just makes them feel tougher when they are not really,they are a bunch of chickens,thats why they carry knifes,if they were that 'hard' then why carry a knife!There should be some sort of curfew I suppose,get the pricks off the streets.

  6. Tell them to by a sweater?

    Sorry, just couldn't resist.. Umm honestly, every neighbourhood/ town/ etc has them, theres nothing they can do about them, i think its a phase many people/teens/ etc go through and they will soon realise that what they are doing is wrong.

    If they do something that is wrong ring the police.

  7. we should all march down to the shops with our scissors and cut every hood from every top.

  8. Change the fashion laws to diaper cloth.

  9. I hate people like that. They behave like animals, and they're all so stupid and ignorant. They think they're so incredibly tough with their awful dress sense, cheap jewelry, poor vocabulary, lack of education, alcohol and terrible music. I'm fourteen and I try my hardest to steer clear of that crowd at my school and I sympathize with the older people and pensioners who cower away in their homes, too afraid to leave the house in fear of being attacked or mugged. The government does nothing about it and neither does anybody else. I blame the parents for allowing their children to run riot in the streets at night, while they spend their days and nights in the pub, spending their only source of income (the money they receive from the dole) on cheap alcohol, Heat magazine and Sky television. The entire concept of being a good parent and raising your child to be well-mannered, well-behaved, courteous and respectful has, literally, gone right out of the window because nobody care about the education, upbringing and future of their child anymore (consider yourself lucky if you have loving parents and were raised correctly.) Any suggestions regarding the destruction of this mindset and the hooligans who dominate the English streets would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Dont wear a hoodie.

  11. I'm afraid that with the police being able to do so little and the government and the judiciary as much good as a chocolate teapot, the only answer is going to be Vigilantes - it seems to be the only likely answer as once they get the message that we're not going to take any more of their nonsense in the form of threatening behaviour which often leads to fighting and knife crime - if not gun crime - they might think twice about dressing like morons and behaving as if the world owes them a living.

    Members of the PC Brigade, the Human Rights crown and the general do-gooders need not apply ! ! !

  12. not every one who wheres hoodies are bad they are real comfy!!

    i have loads but i dont put the hoodup cuz i look stupid lol

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