
What can we do to stop the all and out hatred in the political section? on both sides, ?

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How can it add to anything concerning the values and beliefs that we should have as a country?

There are Christians fighting Christians and accusing each other who is more of a Christian, it is starting to sound like a witch hunt!

And the country is getting deeper divided as we go on!

We need to step up and say more,.... or else we might just call ourselves "Jihad in training!" And are no better than the radical Muslims




  1. death is the answer

    rain man

  2. If I may quote a famous Beatle.  "Imagine there is no religion, it is easy when you try.  No h**l below us.  Above us only sky."  

    I have religion, but I don't share mine with the masses.  Organization of religion causes corruption in every single facet of society, especially politics.  

    Look at every war, genocide, bombing, and hate crime.  Fueled and justified by one religion or another.  The popular one to blame today is of course Islam.  A few years ago it was Jeudism.  Even the Christians and Catholics blow or blew stuff up.  

    Our forefathers new what they were doing by seperating church and state.  It seems though, that one party is clearly the "religious" party, brought on by our evangelistic friends, which really gives them a bad name.  I still get chills thinking about "Jesus Camp".  They are not bad people, and I celebrate the challange of free speach and speaking one's mind.  Let hem talk Democrates.  Do not be afraid.  And Likewise to the Republic.

    Okay I will end this with one more quote by Rodney King.  

    No just kidding.  Anyway, enjoy what we hear, even if we disagree.  That is afterall what makes this country great.   Larry Flint for president.  I would have at least chosen him for my Veep.  

  3. The best thing to do is ignore it. Sort through the questions, find the intelligent ones. It can be difficult at times. Yahoo! does all it can I suppose, but most of the hate posts are by obvious trolls.  

  4. I wish that could happen but I don't see it happening except for the United States being attacked in which we would all have to pull together to fight for this great country. That or a VERY big natural disaster and there would always be a Michael Moore out there trying to make a buck off of someone's bad news.


    reasons why the obama biden ticket is better:

    1. obama has much more experience than palin. look at this palin just came from nowhere to be a vice president. in two months do you think people in all of america will know what she eally possesses? no....obama has been on the campaign for some time and has truly demonstrated with hard work of who he really is.

    2. he has taken his criticism and showed that he has class and quality

    3. mccain says he has been a 'veteran' of war but obama is a true veteran of the community and will be a veteran for america? obama gave up his acception to work at the wall street and he been supporting communities most of his livelihood.

    4. he loves all races. he has a mixed heritage and i think both white and black people will learn to love each other more and more everyday.

    5. obama do not use people to get votes. he expects people to vote on issues unlike mccain who is a user and uses palin just to get votes. i'm sure he would ask palin to leave if she ever gets to be v.p.

    6. my vice leader biden has exceptional experience in the senate.

    7. he has good foreign policy experience which would give the country a good edge in making useful negotiations with other countries on the issue of war


  6. Split America.

    Viva la Union!

  7. You bet your A@@ and the fighting will keep going until the Conservatives stop their hatred.  Had to listen to their hatred for 35 years.  Enough is Enough.

  8. It's not as bad as it looks here on these boards. I think both candidates show that it's getting better actually, and my experience with talking to real Republicans, and finding out we have A LOT of common ground in this election proves that out as well.

    I'm 100% for Obama, but I know in my heart things will be a million times better with either candidate than we've had in the last eight years. It's really a WIN/win for me. (Please note the caps lol.)

  9. It will all end in November, and I blame Obama, I have never seen so much hate during an election until now, never in my 5 presidential elections.

    It's Obama's fault, people either love him or hate him, they can't just not care about him either way, like most candidates.

  10. i don't think we can stop it, look at the world, every one and every thing is fighting, JEWS, ARABS, BLACKS, MEXICANS, WHITES, ASIANS, RUSSIANS, GEORGIANS, DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS, LIONS, HYENAS, CATS, DOGS, even the antibodies and the germs are fighting inside of us. were probably doomed to die fighting.  

  11. love one another as Christ loved the Church not like John Lennon was writting about.

  12. I'm am glad to see people voicing their opinions, other wise our soldiers have fought and died for no reasons.

  13. Close down - that would solve everything!!!

  14. there is nothing that can ever be done about it. people are ALWAYS going to hate other peoples opinions. well unless the government starts heavily drugging everyone, maybe then. ha

  15. I'm just having fun.  The Republicans got so good at personal attacks under masters like Tom Delay and Karl Rove that I'm just enjoying tossing a little $hit back and seeing that their $hit isn't sticking so well. Not this year.  Not this time.

  16. I'm sad to say, Liadan...there's nothing we can do. The whole thing is completely out of control. It's a monster now. A big ugly smear monster that only the precious few can see with enough clarity to want to ask questions like yours.

    I really do wish I had something more positive to offer you...some small hope that the words we say in defence of proper debate might make some difference. But this mess of smear, attack, brutal & shameful human's been spiralling upwards for months and its trajectory has gone perpendicular since the DNC.

  17. become atheist, but that will never happen.

  18. Nice thought . Maybe when the election is over, thing will began to mend.

  19. I completely agree

    I try to answer intelligent questions with good answers

    silly questions get silly answers

    I think that BOTH candidates are a HUGE improvement over the past 20 years

  20. Sad to say "nothing"

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