
What can we do to take back our government from special interests and self serving corporations?

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Make no mistake about it, the subversion of our political process by self serving corporate interest is the greatest threat to American democracy that exists. If you need an example, just look at how f*cked up our health care system is because of the billion dollar health care industry which has been doing everything in their power to make sure Americans never see free, universal health care.

If there's been one positive to come out of bush's disastrous two terms in office, it's that things seem to have gotten so bad that at least people are finally starting to take notice. When the people who are employed at Wal-Mart can't afford to shop at Wal-Mart because they're thousands of dollars in debt and can't declare bankruptcy anymore, there's something seriously wrong.

Both candidates say they are going to try to reduce the influence of special interests, but what, specifically, is there than can realistically be done?




  1. We can get the right wingers out of power. Out of the White House, out of the Congress and out of the Supreme Court and other courts throughout the land. The tide has turned against the radical conservatives and it will be interesting to see if conservative judges get thrown out of office like Bush/McCain and the republicans in congress will.

  2. I agree with you, and I think Obama is on the right track because he gets his campaign financing primarily from individuals who contribute less than $100.  If he gets elected, he will not be beholden to all the special interests and lobbyists and therefore will be more able to do something to eliminate their influence and power.

  3. Hit them where it hurts

    in the money bags

    Think about it people,

    if WE THE PEOPLE could get organized and boycott

    certain things that would not bring hardship upon our lives but would make a statement to GREED INC. that is stop buying all those non-essential fluff products, Stop with all that cosmetic removal of hair (shaving is an un-natural act anyhow) and stop consuming all the snack "foods" soft drinks (etc...) and we would be cutting the national consumption by possibly a Billion $$$! would that hit greed inc.(?) d**n straight!

    Z0, what do you say AMERICA, can we do this?

  4. I think we need to outlaw special interests groups,lobbyists,etc,campaign donations should come from fed budget,no more donations from corporations.Then we just have to worry about bribes,Also end the party system and just vote whats good for America in general

  5. Vote out long term blow hard gas bags like:





    Virtually every democrat from California

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