
What can we use to make biofuel?

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We have loads of produce but what can we make bio fuel out of? Also how much land are we talking about to produce such a large amount of biofeul to replace our petrol and diesel based vehicles ?




  1. Basically any ethanol producing crops such as sugar or oil producing crops such as sunflower can be used for producing biofuel.  However, much attention is being given to Jatropha Curcas.  This plant is very hardy, grows in poor soils, is fairly drought resistant, lasts for about 50 years and produces copius amount of oil seed (37%).  Moreover, it actually fertilises barren soils and is good for intercropping.  I think that this plant (which originated in South America) has the best potential to be an economically and beneficial viable alternative to fossil fuel.

  2. corn  cow manure

  3. Canola seeds! Canola oil and basically chips fryer oil is what they make biodiesel out of. it is refined and in some cases mixed with diesel in the running of vehicles. The Wiki article is well written and informative including listing types of crops (seeds) that can go into making biodiesel. The Journey to forever link goes into more detail of the production of the stuff as well.

    Good luck! I hope you do it and join the rest of us shunning the petrol pump.

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