
What can we write as an concluion for a project on ozone layer depletion?

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What can we write as an concluion for a project on ozone layer depletion?




  1. That the degrdation of the ozone layer has been stopped and that it is starting to recover.  That that happened because of an international environmental treaty called the Montreal Protocol.  That that shows global environmental problems can be addressed by binding treaties.

  2. The following is from the future outlook on ozone depletion from wikipedia. a summary like this might be good.

    The Antarctic ozone hole is expected to continue for decades. Ozone concentrations in the lower stratosphere over Antarctica will increase by 5%–10% by 2020 and return to pre-1980 levels by about 2060–2075, 10–25 years later than predicted in earlier assessments. This is because of revised estimates of atmospheric concentrations of Ozone Depleting Substances — and a larger predicted future usage in developing countries. Another factor which may aggravate ozone depletion is the draw-down of nitrogen oxides from above the stratosphere due to changing wind patterns.[28]

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