
What can we(teens) do to anticipate global warming go further?

by  |  earlier

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it has to be something easy to done.

i'm gonna use these answers for my references on making my documentary film.

ty so much!!




  1. Biking and carpooling are great ways to help.

  2. hi

  3. call al gore

  4. GW is a scam propagated by Gore and his movie. It is a scam to make money ..  

  5. ...HUH!?

    the last two words don't make sense

  6. Teens can do simple things to help to prevent global warming by planting trees or keeping plants at home.This will helps to increase the amount of oxygen produced and the fact of global warming is caused by harmful greenhouse gases,oxygen is a useful gas for us to live as well as a good impact to the earth :)

  7. you can't do anything because global warming is mostly done be the greenhouse effect and no one and really control that put if you could then everything would be great!^^

  8. A couple easy things are:

    1. Turn off lights when you leave a room

    2. When shopping bring your own bags not plastic


    4.plant a tree

    5.pick up trash

    6.change your light bulbs in your house to compact fluorescent light bulbs

    This is some easy things.  Try looking at this website also:

    Hope I help!! :)

  9. Man made global warming is a lie. There is nothing that we as a species can do to change the climate.  

  10. Teens don't control their hormones, let alone the climate.

  11. Please to save the planet children like you shouldn't have any children.

  12. The only things you as an individual of your age can do are these.

    Encourage adults you know to plant trees and replace paved yards with grass and other green growing plants.

    Also encourage all you know to not support any company that says they support the concept of AGW.

    Do not do any business or buy any products of Exxon/Mobil or Standard Chevron.

    Do not do any business with J.P. Morgan/Chase or any of their subsidiaries. This loss of profits might encourage them to stop promoting the scam.

  13. Like many of us you can recycle stuff and not litter.  Maybe plant a tree or two for shade. Other than that, (which doesn't have an effect on global warming), there's nothing that we can do for the earth re g/w.  You see, it's a natural thing that happens every so often, most likely caused by the sun.  Forget about it, it isn't our fault when it happens.  

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