
What can you benefit in the future if you join Choir in high school?

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What can you benefit in the future if you join Choir in high school?




  1. Sing in the choir, get a better voice through all the practice and you could be the next Whitney. Minus all the c**p she been through of course.

  2. Studying music helps with honing spacial reasoning skills, namely the reading music part. It also helps foster a "team player" mentality, which will make you a more desireable employee when it's time for you to enter the working world. And if you plan to go to college, admissions people prefer students who were involved in extracurricular activities in high school.

    Oh, and it's fun!

  3. You can warble like a cat on heat.

  4. You may just find you enjoy singing and could get a better voice. You also meet a lot of new people, upper and lower classmen.  

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