
What can you buy with 33 pesos in the dominican republic? need an idea of how much that is compared to US...?

by  |  earlier

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we looked it up and it said a US dollar is 33 pesos in the dominican republic. is that alot or no, what could you buy with 33 pesos?




  1. With 33 pesos you can buy :

    2x 1/2 liter of Coca Cola/Pepsi (or similar like 7UP)

    1 bag of bread ( 12 pieces or sandwishes)

    Drive from Sosua to Puerto Plata by public bus (one way)

    Buy (me) a coffee with milk

    and some things more in the local stores...

    Happy to help you

    Happy Feet

  2. 33 pesos are almost equal to one US dollar. Maybe you can buy a bag of chips or a soda.)

  3. 0.96916 almost  1 US  dollar

    Currency Converter

  4. Well, pretend that you are paying with a dollar, what can you buy with a dollar, not a lot.

    So...with 33 pesos you will not be able to buy a lot.

    You will be buying a dollars' worth but in pesos currency.

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