
What can you contribute in order to upgrade our economy, with less dependency to other countries resources?

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Please specify on your ideas, and be factfull.... thanks.




  1. Most of our dependence seems to be in the fuels category, so if we can create sustainable (and cheaper) alternatives to fossil fuels, it should help bring down inflation. Also, green energy for homes to reduce grid dependence.

  2. Buy local.    Anything made, grown or owned locally helps the economy around your area greatly.   Why buy bananas from Ecuador when you could by fresh strawberries from the farm down the road?

  3. If people would actually pay their mortgages, the economy wouldn't be suffering so much.


  4. don't buy foreign products

  5. Definitely buy local if you can. If you purchase something from someone local, they have more funds to pay off bills, buy gas, put food on their table, etc. It's a circle!

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