
What can you do about a baby with dry lips?

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My niece is a month and a half, and her lips are REALLY dry. I know babies get dry lips alot, but it drives me insane that her lips are so dry. I know I can't put Carmex on them, so what can I use? Unscented Vaseline?




  1. You cannot hurt a kid by using plain old Chap Stik - it's just oily waxy stuff. Vaseline is perfectly safe. Olive oil is a great lip balm, too, and has been used for years. You can also use Turtle Wax; it's gives a hard shell finish.  

  2. the hospital gave me some breast cream like lanisonh they said it would work well

  3. i used a few drops of breast milk. worked really good!

  4. I put chapstick on our babies lips and sometimes vaseline...I use it on me then kiss him great!!!

  5. Icy Hot, no wait... thats not right

  6. Yep - unscented vaseline.  A tiny amount.

    But if it isn't harming the baby, I would leave it alone.  It may drive you insane, but you shouldn't put things on your baby that she could ingest, like vaseline, to make you feel better.  I would suggest a whole-house humidifier.  I really like ours.

  7. vaseline..probably, save the Carmex, I tried this on my nephew and his lips swelled up like a muffin...

    ..ALSO..try giving said baby some water every now and again...they do drink water you know

  8. i can put on my peppermint chap stick all by myself.  

  9. Throw it out.  It's gone bad and there's probably no flavor left.

  10. You can maybe try vaseline? i dont know. i would even be hesitate to use that. she is so young. maybe call her pediatrician and ask them. they know best!

  11. Aveeno makes a nice swivel-up lip balm just for little ones. Plain vasoline will help make her more comfortable in the meantime.

  12. I would suggest Lanolin - any petroleum based products are potentially dangerous for children (in large amounts).  I really liked the Lansinoh brand and it should be available at most stores that sell baby supplies.

  13. Well, don't put anything on her lips without asking the mom first.  

    I would think vaseline would be okay - just make sure it doesn't get inside her mouth.  Lanoline would probably be okay too since moms can put that on their nipples and nurse without washing it off.  

  14. I'd use a little vaseline.

    Luv U!

  15. Put some baby lotion on them. I have used chap stik on my kids, but I can't remember how old they were the first time. My daughter just turned 1 and I have used it on her for a while, and it doesn't bother her.

  16. i used vaseline.. and i applied it often throughout the day

  17. Vaseline or Burt's bees makes a baby chapstick.

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