
What can you do about a mother that is getting plenty of money in child support...?

by  |  earlier

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But refuses to keep a safe and clean home for her children. They live in a trailer, but it's dirty and there is even a hole in the floor. The kids are constantly sick... I feel for these children.. What can I do to help.




  1. Call CPS if you feel the children aren't being cared for properly or being neglected. If you feel like they are being well-cared for, then maybe offer to help her clean up.

  2. Think about the kids before you call CPS! How old are they? How would it impact them, better or worse? How does she treat them? She may not be the best mother in the world but really, think about the kids. Maybe you could, like someone else said, offer to help out, but thats kind of awkward. You could invite the kids over to play, im sure they or their mother wouldnt mind that. I dont know how much you want to get involved but really I dont thnk CPS is the best way to go.

  3. Call human services. Any child that is not getting cared for properly, doesn't deserve to have kids! Get them kids into a safe and healthy environment!

  4. call CPS and report her . children need to be in a clean and stable home .

  5. Call CPS

  6. If the kids are in a dangerous situation what does the child support money have to do with anything?

  7. well I would call child services. I don't see what this has to do with child support en less you mean that she is not using the child support correctly.

  8. You can call CPS.  It will be up to them to discover if there is neglect or just poverty.  How much do you really know about this woman's finances.  Sometimes what we consider neglect is really just poverty and if so, there isn't anything CPS can do about it.  It isn't against any law to be poor.  Of course, being poor is no reason not to keep your house clean, but it could be a reason not to fix a hole in the floor.

  9. You need to inform the department of child and family services.  They will check into their welfare and be able to access their circumstances properly.  In doing so it is totally anonymous and you can remain a secret.  Trust me, looking out for those kids is a good thing without having to compromise who you are to the Mother is even better.

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