
What can you do about it when your company wants you to do unethical possibly illegal things to keep your job?

by  |  earlier

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I have been employed with this company for over 10 years and in the past year to keep my job I must due things that are ruining peoples businesses ,credit,reputations and if I don't or complain about it I will lose my job. I m 60% commission the company has eliminated the opportunity to make commission and even discontinued some programs with out letting anyone know other that when it was time to get it it wasn't given. The stress is ruining my family and other than looking for a new job do I have legal grounds against them




  1. Look into another job NOW. Speak with a lawyer about legal advice for "whistleblowers" and prepare your resume. You won't receive any financial compensation for the unethical/illegal activities your company has done unless you are also a client.

  2. You resign, and if they have done something illegal and you can prove it, you also inform the police. Simple really.

  3. You can take your complaints to the unemployment office.   It's the same with any business that operates unfairly and then fires employees that will not, or are unable to comply.  Document unfair events..  Hopefully the unemployment office will give you unemployment and start an investigation.

  4. There are other jobs, quit.

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