
What can you do about the petrol price in S.A.?

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The reason I asked is will strikes help

or is it.............. power show off




  1. Same thing as in every other country of the world:

    Pretty much nothing.

  2. Change over to natural gas. Like a Toyota Prius and the Honda Civic hybrid.

  3. Cakesales it is best not to answer if you know nothing about South Africa.

    Firstly we do not have natural gas supplies other than a very small amount available from mosgas. And the honda(not available in SA) and Toyota prius are not natural gas vehicles they are petro - electrical hybrids

    Secondly gas is no cheaper than petrol in SA.

  4. I can do nothing, nobody can it is the Arabian countries that can ask anything for a barrel of oil

  5. Our petrol is a lot cheaper than the UK and US!

  6. Get a much more efficient public transport system going. Like the MRT (Mass Rail Transit) but then again eish we don't have electricity!

    Having a strike won't help. The fat cats won't cut back on their taxes and loose some money. So we just maar have to pay.

  7. I do not think there is anything we can do, Cosatu's strike is also not going to help, the whole world is struggeling, we still have cheap petrol compared with the UK.

  8. Hold a protest march ;-)

  9. The price of petrol is expensive everywhere but I must say we have an advantage in the UK that you dont have in South Africa. It is called Public Transport and it is safe and it works so you can leave your car at home. Another advantage we have is that the UK is small in comparison to South Africa so travel distances are shorter.

    I really dont know what to advise you except what Bull says.

  10. Buy a diesel vehicle...?

  11. Do not despare my droogs(brothers and sisters,) because the Swedes have invented a 100% electrical car that has a tremendous driving range and is very quickly recharged, so now the Arabs can drink their oil and eat their sand, what a pleasure.

    Petrol in the UK is about £ 1.05/ ltr but is only about 2.5% of monthly home income to run your car and joy ride.


    In the States petrol is around $ 4.05c per gallon is that more expensive than we are paying per ltr in SA?

  12. Pretty much nothing at present, if your intention is to save on your monthly petrol bill then explore options such as lift clubs, more fuel efficient vehicles and using alternate means of transportation where possible.

    The government has the capacity to ease the burden through revisiting the tax structure on petrol which is ridiculous at present, 40% of the fuel price is made up of taxes and levies, they however have no intention of reviewing such taxes, less to then steal and embezzle.

    Let us not forget about the PetroSA debacle and the massive ANC fraud in this regard.

  13. The truth is thers not much we or our gov can do cos its a global problem based mostly on expectations and demand.

    I suppose in the long run if we reduce demand globally it can be controlled but ther isnt much SA can do bout it. I would suggest you just find more cost effective means of transport.

    Car pool etc

  14. I can't do anything about it, sorry.

  15. Remove some of the levies on the petrol and diesel price. Encourage rail transport usage! Get the trucks off our roads, they are killing our roads and our Government has NO idea to maintain these vital links to our future!

  16. Drive a scooter, seriously I drive one and the rise in petrol has barely touched my budget.

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