
What can you do at a hotel party?

by Guest34248  |  earlier

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so im having a party at a hotel, embassy suites, and i want to know what can/should we do to pass the time?

*b4 the sleepover part im having a cocktail party any ideas for that too ?*




  1. Get totally trashed and go swimming

  2. how about getting some music and partying?

  3. You have a indoor pool go swimming just because you at the hotel don't mean you have to stay in the room the whole time. But if you havin a coctail party stay in the room. But really with hotel party it's not much you can really do. Hope you find something. Have fun

  4. get cruuuunk.

    and continue it at the suite. music. dance. talk. laugh. just have a good time. invite some extras over. and by extras, guys.


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