
What can you do for Galbladder biliary sludge pain?

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I'm a 24 year old female in relatively good shape and health. I recently lost my insurance and was told by my doctor that I have Biliary sludge in my galbladder that causes these amazingly painful attacks. I can't afford to have my Galbladder removed right now. What should i eat or not eat? What can i take (vitamins etc...) to ward off these attacks or ease the pain until I can take care of this?




  1. you could try to obtain as much as resource as you can by search the keyword in search engine,if you have good luck there,then your problem solved.however,if you could not find the answer by doing that,here is the relevant resource i prefered.

  2. You can eat BEETS, several times a day, about a tablespoon. Good to grate over a salad. OR, you can get to the health food store for something that has beets in it-the employees can help you. The product I deal with is called Beta-TCP but Biotics is not sold at most health food stores.  

    Your gall bladder bile is thick, there are many things to try before surgery, unless a Doctor is telling you it is necessary.  You need to thin your bile.

    It would help to avoid fats, especially trans fats, for a week or two. A nutritional therapist in your area can help you. Let me know your city and I can try to find someone.

    Does your back hurt about mid-way? Do you get headaches between your eyes?  

    Massage, warmth, chiropractic and maybe foot reflexology...bottom of right foot, middle on right side-circular motion til you find a painful spot-then massage in circles, gently...then deeper. good luck. Best to find a Nutritional Therapist Practitioner.  

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