
What can you do for a splitting headache that Motrin and Tylenol won't even touch?

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I've had the worst headache all day long, so bad that I can't take noise or anything loud. It's right over my eyes and down my neck. I do live in East Texas where we are being hit with some of Gustav's nasty weather so the rain may have something to do with it. What can I do for some pain relief when Tylenol and Motrin aren't even cutting it?

I hardly ever take medicine for anything unless it's really hurting me, so I know the medicine isn't working due to me over using it or because I'm "immune" to it.




  1.   Take Aleve with a warm drink (bc it will dissolve the pill faster) and then I know this will probably sound stupid but trust me it woks  ~ Get some Peppermint Oil (any heath store) and put a dap of it on each of your temples and rub in and then a dab on your hand on the area between thumb and first finger and then try to just realx for a bit it really does work wonders.

  2. You can try:

    Eating potatoes (starch helps headaches)

    Massaging your head/temples

    Cold shower/splash face with cold water



    Excedrin Migraine

    Hope this helps!!  

  3. I get pretty bad headaches.  Usually, I take Excedrin Migraine because it works better than my prescription migraine meds.  However, I usually only take one Excedrin and one Aleve because the Excedrin has caffeine in it.  Since I don't usually drink caffeine, 2 Excedrins have too much caffeine for me.

    If you don't want to have to go to the store...the best headache medicines usually contain 2 different painkillers (i.e. Aleve, Ibuprofen, or Tylenol) and caffeine.  So, try taking 2 different painkillers with something that has caffeine.

    Good luck, hopefully Gustav isn't giving yall too much trouble.  My family's in Louisiana but everyone is finally home safely!

  4. Take some time out for yourself and soak in a warm bath with lights off and some candles lite. hold a cold rag over your eyes and just relax..Normally that will work for me. I hope u feel better and everything is going ok with your family,friends and house with Gustav there and everything


  6. If you can (I know you are a mommy) laying down for a while by yourself. Maybe your husband can entertain the kids for a while and you can have a 10-15 minute nap session. That helps me a lot. Also try cold compresses on your head. Hope it gets better soon.

  7. This happens to me sometimes... the BEST thing I have found to do is take 2 Excedrin migraines, drink a glass of any flavor gatorade (Gatorade is proven to help headaches), then try to be alone for 30 minutes in a dark room with a cold rag on my head massaging my temples. If this doesnt help I would consider going to the Doc to get some migraine pills - I take Fioricet from time to time for this reason and it does work. Good luck!

  8. Try Aleve, if that doesn't work you should see a doctor, you may have a migraine.

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