
What can you do if someone else has gotten speeding tickets using your license?

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I lost my wallet a long time ago and all of a sudden I got like 5 notices saying I was speeding.




  1. Hire a lawyer and go to court.

    The state bears the burden of proof, not you. The state will call the officer who issued the ticket as a witness. If it wasn't you, the cop won't be able to positively identify you as the driver s/he issued the ticket to.

  2.    This happened to my boyfriend, his brother used his ID to get 4 speeding tickets and a citation for possession of a controlled substance!

       Here is what he did, he went to traffic court, addressed the issue, the Judge had the original tickets pulled and compared signatures. The signatures were obviously different, but he had to leave a writing sample and had a future court date set.

       In the mean time he had to carry around all of the papers in relation to the issue, he did get pulled over because his car is registered in his name and eventually the police were looking for "him" (but really his brother).

      The police had him sit on the curb for about an hour until everything cleared, when he went to court about 2months later the Judge excused him and recommended he press charges against his brother.

      Good Luck

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