
What can you do if your little brother is deaf?

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What can you do if your little brother is deaf?




  1. love him -best thing you should do

  2. support him and show him he is no different then any other brother

  3. First, accept him and love him like any other normal child because disability is not inability.  Dont show sympathy  because a part from being deaf, he is quite normal.  Secondly let all of you/ his family members, learn some sign language.  let him go to a deaf school too so that he can also be taught the sign language. By so doing, communication will be easier hense interacting with him will not be a big deal.

  4. Be supportive, and learn sign language, I learned just because and it's not hard.

  5. Well first of all he is your little brother and there is no dought you love him but there is no difference in who he is just that he communicates in a different way.

    My Dad had a little brother who was deaf and back then they did not have all the advances in technology they have now. But my Dad and Uncle created their own sign language so they could communicate and be brothers as normal. You have to first think of him as normal then as a little brother and then remember he can't hear you so you have to touch him to get his attention. point instead of say look. the normal little things you pretty much have to do with little brothers anyway. Don't worry so much and have fun with him the whole rest of the world can treat him different not you!

    I have lost a brother in my life and trust me when I say parents can come and go in your life brothers are there always. More than parents you are closer than you know.


  6. My older brother is deaf and i swear at him all the time. Behind his back of course because he can lip read lol. However i do not advise you do that to your little brother.

    What you can do is depending on how old he is, learn how to sign. They are deaf and cant understand what your saying so they become a little frustrated sometimes. If signing is too hard you can always write it down or make up your own signing that he can understand as well. With me i tend to give my brother the finger only because we get into fights alot lol dont do that of course just an example

  7. yea learn sign language?

  8. you should, on your behalf, learn to do sign language!

  9. Learn sign language(s) for your area (yes sometimes there can be more than one).

    Contact your local Deaf Society or similar.  They may have family support including lessons and days our etc.

  10. Learn sign language...and make sure you always have his must be hard for him to be deaf and wonder why he is not like the other show him he is no different and is apart of the family

  11. Be the best sibling you can be.   God Bless.

  12. how old is your brother??? how old r u???

  13. That's really sad. Is it from birth or just recently?

    Try learning sign language so you can communicate with him.

  14. Get some braile books he would enjoy. Travel and go to amusement parks with him. Play games or sports with him. Basketball, Catch, whatever he enjoys.  

  15. swear at him alot .... he wont hear it

  16. you can learn american sign language and teach him it

  17. deaf people can still here vibrations. Acknowledge. So tie ur bro down so his ear is touching somethin like a counter and bang the shitaki out of it.

  18. I learned sign language many years ago because not many people will take the time to learn it.  Deaf people need to be able to talk to someone but if no one will learn their language, the only people they can talk to are other deaf people.

    I was behind a deaf person at McDonald's one day and they trying to order and the worker there did not know what he wanted.  I was able to intervene and help him get his order.  It made me feel good that I was able to help him.

    Have you learned sign language yet?  Is your little brother old enough to start learning it?  If he isn't, you can still start learning it and helping him learn.  Before my grandchildren could talk, we taught them sign language.  They learned to sign please, thank you, happy, hungry, water, and a few other words.

    Sign language is fun to learn and to be able to use.  Your brother will appreciate your learning to speak to him in his own language.

    Treat your brother the same as if he could hear.

    He is not dumb or sick he just can't hear.  So play with him, teach him to play video games because he won't be able to watch TV or at least he won't be able to hear anything.  Keep him active don't let him just set around all day and don't feel sorry for him.  There is a lot worse things than being deaf.

    Remember he is a normal little boy that just can't hear so   treat him like one and make sure your friends do too.

    Good luck learning sign language!!  

  19. Do your best to help him, try to understand that he goes through a hard time and give him as much love and care as you can. It's the best that a big sister can do for their brother.

  20. Learn sign language or learn how to do the cochlear implant surgery

  21. learn sign language and do what you can to support him and make him feel as normal and as comfortable as possible.

    i have disease that skipped my older sister and its hard sometimes talking to her about things because she might not understand how it is being different like i am, but she's always been supportive of me and she'll always be my sister.

    help your little brother find a hobbie like art or skating so he doesn't have to feel like hes not good enough or can't be like everyone else.

  22. ill learn sign language and be his ears! ill never treat any other way different than anybody else. ;)

  23. learn sign language

  24. You just need to communicate with him differently than with others. Both of you should learn sign language so that you can communicate with each other. Other than that, just treat him like you would if he wasn't deaf.

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