
What can you do in the "land of the free" that you can't do anywhere else?

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I keep hearing people say America is the greatest country because... and then rattle off things that could apply to any one of hundreds of countries.

Don't construe this as "America-bashing" or "jealousy"; US citizens have some freedoms I don't have, and I have some you don't have.

I'm genuinely interested in good things that are permissible in the USA, but not, say The Netherlands, Canada, Australia or any other "western" country.




  1. .   You can open a business that is free from government corruption and still pay the lowest taxes of any country in the world.  That's why businessmen always gravitate here.

  2. I can own a gun or guns, can you. I can hunt where I want to on public land can you! I can vote can you!

  3. I can get surgery for a life-threatening condition without going on a waiting list. People die all the time in other countries from things that are a very simple fix.

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