
What can you do to Stop Global Worming?

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What can you do to Stop Global Worming?




  1. personally i dont believe in the political bullshit that al gore is saying cause he actually came up with the theory of global warming and global cooling...he is just trying to scare the ******* **** out of everybody to buy his wonderfuel that will reduce greenhouse emissions...whooo ...and co2 increases AFTER warming begins... most of antartica is getting colder...and wen u read this tell me what flavor of koolaid you are drinking

  2. i made this blog for people who want to save earth i thank you for being caring about earth.... go to my blog it might help you

  3. My mom told me to always wash your hands, especially before you eat, and not to go barefoot outside to keep from getting worms.  If everybody did that, there wouldn't be any global worming.

  4. You can do a lot to reduce global warming. Write to your elected leaders and talk to them- the ones on each level federal, state, and local.  You can also start awareness campaigns in your cities or if you choose your neighborhoods.  Drive cleaner cars.  Use the bus or train or other forms of ways to get around.  Use a bike.  Write on both sheets of a paper and don't waste paper!  Recycle.  Use things with paper and resources, don't waste them, use them a lot.  Use efficient energy lightbulbs.  Don't leave appliances on when not needed to be use.  Pull out..what I mean is unplug appliances when you don't need them..they just take up electricity.  Set your thermostats to 78 and try to cut back on air condition when you don't need to use it-- electricity can help lead to emisisons of carbon dioxide (creating it does).  Use efficient ways of dealing with appliances, don't use them too long, use energy-saving appliance.

  5. make lots of ice cubes

  6. You can't stop global warming but there are several things that you can do to be "more green".

    Reduce, reuse, recycle, plant a tree, use cloth bags instead of plastic, find a better source of transportation, use air conditioning less, don't litter, there are a lot of things you can do to help!!

  7. Nothing.

  8. There is no possible way of making Global Warming stop completely but there is a lot you can do to slow it down.

    1. Shorter colder showers - uses less water and saves energy from heating water

    2. Learn to Cook! - You  don't have to Drive to take out and pick your food up in Styrofoam boxes that stay in the earth for thousands of years  and its fun.

    3. Recycle - I know  I know you do right? but don't just recycle glass, cardboard,paper and plastic; recylce carpets if your getting rid of them, recycle magazines, there are even places to recycle your Styrofoam! Look up near by recycling plants and see what you can recycle.

    4. Bring a coffee mug to the coffee shop- don't have to use those dreaded Styrofoam cups.

    5. Plant your own veggies in a vegetable garden - you don't have to drive to the grocery store, put the veg tables in a plastic bag then another one or any type of packaging and you also save emissions form the veggies coming to your grocery store etc.

    6. Start a compost pile - get some nice soil for your new vegetables garden to grow in

    There is tons you can do. I've barley started check out


    its a great website I found doesn't seem finished but has loads of great links and  ideas!!

  9. you cant truly stop it but you can help

    by just doing certain things in your home that are more environmentally friendly

  10. Stop eating meat.  Stop driving.  Recycle and compost.

    These three things will have a huge impact if more people do them.

  11. If you truly believe

    Stop breathing.  This will stop your production of CO2.


    Send money to Al Gore, so he can ride in limos, fly in private jets, live in several mansions.

    Then give you speeches on doing what he isn't.

  12. What am I doing to stop it?  Gee...nothing at all.  And I have no problem with that.

    Global warming is a scam...get used to it.  It's purely about politics and has nothing to do with science.  Those who promote it do so through lies, panic-mongering and alarmism.  They want to force their will on everyone.

  13. Here are some ways:

    1. Reduce, Reuse Recycle (Ever notice reduce comes first?)

    2. If you own a vehicle own a higher efficient one like a hybrid.

    3. Live downtown and rarely drive

    4. Give to various environmental charities (Union of concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Club, etc).

    5. Go Vegan. Probably one of the greatest positive impacts an individual can have on the environment as meat production in more energy intensive, and creates massive amounts of methane (20x's more powerful than CO2), as well as takes us to 16 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef).

    6. Buy local goods. Being a locovore is key to helping the environment when our food is shipped an average of 1600 miles. I buy at the local co-ops and farmers markets. I also buy local woods, fragrance sprays, clothing and more. Whatever I can find that is of decent quality and price I buy over non-local.

    7. Gardening: I have planted many bushes trees and flowers over the last few years. I also have a food garden that brings local and sustainability to a whole new level.

    8. Compost: Saves loads on trash and I need not by fertilizers which are often petroleum based. I also save on having buy and to ship in extra dirt.

    9. Travel Less: Especially buy plane which literally releases tones of CO2 per passenger per trip.

    10. Promote Awareness: We can't do this alone

    11. Write elected officials to create green laws.

    12. Put CFL's or LED's throughout your whole house.

    13. Use solar and crank flashlights: They save me money and the environment in energy as well as the embodied energy of batteries.

    14. Use tote bags :America uses over 380 billion bags a year that will not decompose in the landfills.

    15. Drink filtered not bottled water which takes petroleum for each bottle you drink and through away.

    16. Throw away a little as possible: I often find uses of people who want things in which many would through away out of sheer laziness.

    17. Buy hemp clothing: grows more prolifically than cotton, is stronger fabric making it last longer, and requires no pesticides.

    18. Buy recycled goods such as toilet paper, reclaimed materials for shoes, used clothing and construction materials, etc.

    19. Add extra insulation to you house.

    20. Walk or bike where possible; Or if you must take public transportation.

  14. Well....... because AGW is a lie .......... nothing you do will effect GW. However if it makes you feel better to live a "greener" lifestyle. Knock yourself out.

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