
What can you do to get a dog to stop trying to bite people when they touch her toys?

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My dog behaves well unless someone outside of the family takes her toys from her. She has never hurt anyone (she's only 20 lbs) but has the potential to, and I would like to prevent it. I don't want to do anything that hurts her. She is a rescue dog that was abused before we got her.




  1. Why would someone outside the family try to take a toy from her? Why not tell people to leave her alone?

    Ideally, you need to work with a behaviorist on this problem. Don't "send" her to training, TAKE her to training. It's as much about training the human as it is the dog.

    In the meantime, work on the "trade up" command. If you want to take something from her, offer her something better for the item. You want to take her toy? offer her a toy she likes even better so she won't mind giving up the toy.

  2. dog training class- much cheaper then paying for a lawsuit

  3. put something horrid tasting on your hands all the time like that nail biting stuff or strong mouthwash spray and it will soon learn not to bite

  4. I have seen some serious damage done by small dogs - fingers & tendons shredded, bites to the face, etc.  Small dogs should still not be permitted to be aggressive.  

    First, I would not allow toys in the house until this dog has become more acclimated to your family & your rules.  How is she with food?  I would start hand feeding her to get her to associate hands with positive things.  

    Then I would work on a drop command - when she drops the toy, you are giving her a very yummy treat, like lunch meat or hot dogs.  This will also let her know that giving up her toys means something very yummy.  

    Under no circumstances would I advise doing this without hands on training from a certified trainer.  An aggressive dog can & will do damage to you.  It is serious & should be treated as such with care.  Good luck & thanks for adopting!  

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