
What can you do to help a gassy baby?

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My 4 week old gets really gassy/irritable in the evenings and into the night until about 1am. Her little tummy seems to be churning up a storm. We've tried walking her (which helps until we set her down), my mother in law gave her mint tea (don't know if that was a good thing or not)... This cute *and loud lol* baby had 4 generations fussing over her one night, trying to sooth her.

Any good tips on dealing with gassy babies? My twins are 10 now, so it's been a long while for me.




  1. mine too! 4 weeks old also.

    doing the leg cycling thing seems to help with my lo,  (look on you tube under gassy baby if you are not sure how).

    also sitting him up for half an hour or so after feeding

    my mum gave me some infacol, but i couldn't say if its doing anything or not, no change that i can see.

    as for  mint tea, i do sometimes drink it myself for digestion, but i have never monitored if lo is any better after or not(i guess he must get some of it)

    sometimes nothing seems to help though, i think then it might be something i have eaten that he is not keen on!

    good luck and i will keep an eye on this questions for ideas for us...

  2. Have you asked your Pediatrician if you can give her Mylecon Drops? They are safe, and very effective. If your Baby is that Gassy, she deserves something to help ease the pain. And, by all means if a medication must be it, then ask your pediatrician.

    Also- Some other things are Gently massaging there tummy going in circles, or massaging the bottom of there feet.

    Hope this helps and hope she gets rid of her gas! Lots of Luck.

  3. Mylicon helps before a feeding to prevent gas. Try warm baths, laying baby on back and gently cycling their legs like riding a bike, gently rubbing their tummy in a clock wise motion, applying light but firm pressure to their tummy, like swaddling tightly around their tummy. I know its rough when they have gas, good luck~

  4. Pat her on the bottom DO NOT give her mint tea that could cause a allergic reaction  we give our baby infants mylicon drops " gas relief" just give your baby .3 ML  they work wonders i have a gassy baby to

  5. mylicon drops are really great and you can give them after every feeding if needed. But I would give it about 30 min before a feeding or after so that baby has enough time to digest it without milk or food washing it down.  

  6. Mylicon drops

  7. i tried the 5 s's that THE HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK, by Dr. Harvey Karp has provided me with


    -sucking (give him a pacifier)

    -Shushing or any white noise


    -side or stomach position(when u're rocking him not when u put him down)

    if u don't know how to swaddle right there are videos that u can watch about that at youtube i know it could sound weird but i swear by it I've tried it and it did help my baby,and also i gave her some simethicone drops and it did help :)

    i tried these methods and it worked till the baby grew out of colic at the age of 3 month old

    Good Luck :)

  8. I haven't had to use it yet but my friend uses gripe water forher gassy baby.  Apparently it works really well  

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