
What can you do to help go on with life when you feel alone?

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What can you do to help go on with life when you feel alone?




  1. Keep yourself around people that love you..friends and family.  

    Remember you don't have to be in a relationship to fill up your life.

    Find things to take up your time....things you enjoy.  If you have none....start experimentiing..find something honey....HUGS!!

  2. Connect with someone. Anyone. I feel simply terrible myself at the moment, completely isolated and useless. So I went to a message board I frequent, spewed out how I feel, and even before the replies started appearing, I felt better. It also helps if you keep yourself occupied; YouTube has a lot of wonderful comedy series, so I've been watching those to keep myself cheerful, and I'm also applying for a distance learning course. Make sure you're eating properly, try to keep normal sleeping hours, make sure you get out of the house at least once a day. It could help with the connection thing if you make a point of having a conversation with at least one friend or family member every day. Intellectually, I know I have friends, despite how I feel inside. Don't feel that you have to keep your loneliness inside you; tell a friend or family member how you feel. Keep connecting, even when all you want to do is lie down in a darkened room and cry.

  3. Don't give a c**p about what people say and don't concern yourself with what people think about you. Life is short so don't live your life for other people or try to change yourself to fit in. Some people crave the attention of others constantly and other people need heavy breaks from people. When I spend time with people, I have to regroup and spend some time in solitude. Life is short so live the way you want to or and just worry about your happiness.

    To get a different perspective on life; Travel around the globe. Volunteer in orphanages and just have a good attitude about things and other people.

    You should also work on yourself to further build confidence. The older you get.... the less you will care!

    Good things will come to you when you least expect it.  

  4. We're all alone once in a while and believe it or not it could be terrific.  Just enjoy yourself and if you need to talk to someone take all kinds of adult classes, go to free seminars on anything (there are always lots of ladies all very eager to talk your head off) then go to college lectures and meet some more very talkative ladies, or go to all the free museum's full of art and more talking ladies.  If what you want is lots of talking ladies that's a good start, as for me I like to go home make some Italian dinner, listen to nice music, a good book and no talking ladies.

  5. I think, meditation is the best thing to do.

  6. God knows. It's all desperate, isn't it?? How we rely on regular doses of attention and physical contact to keep us secure and content. But, many many many people live quite happily without these and don't need the affirmation of close friends or a partner to lead happy/fulfilled lives. I am having an evening when I wish with all my heart that I could just curl up on the sofa with someone...but I know that's not going to happen...and so I feel lonely too. But, hey, worse things happen at sea. So what I am doing..'to help go on with life' is a) answering your question b) keeping my head up high c) reminding myself that life is like the seasons..after winter comes the spring...

    So never think that the game is over until the last counter has been played....chin up baby and stick around to see what tomorrow brings.

  7. Be determined you will do the best you can do for yourself.  

  8. Something charitable for someone else.

    (that doesn't involve putting yourself down in any way)

  9. smile and say hello to every one you meet, turn negatives in to positives and keep on bouncing back, should you struggle though don't be afraid to shout for help.

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