
What can you do to make a four month old really laugh?

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My little girl is starting to really wind up and enjoy herself. I managed to get one really good belly laugh out of her, but no more. What do you do to make your little ones giggle? I tried to do raspberries, and silly faces, and I NEED to hear tat sweet little giggle again. Suggestions?




  1. i "sniffle/snort" on my daughters neck and she laughs up a storm and also loves when I kiss her belly and blow on it.. she loves it.


  2. my son was about 4 months when my little sister got him to just crack up here is the video and all she did was this but me i could never get him to laugh

  3. My son is 6 months and laughs at numerous things.  But the one thing that can get him to stop crying and start laughing right away is to lay him on his back, take a bright stuffed bear and hold it about 8 inches above him wiggling it.  Right away he starts to squirm.  Then I slowly bring it toward his face and he gets sooo excited trying to reach it.  I then haul it back up quickly and start over again.  By the time I let his hands grab it or I touch his cheek with it, he's squealing and laughing up a storm.

  4. nothing - mine laughed like that at 3 months and nothing for 2 more months - then started up again big time - it is very regular now -

    i recorded her laughter just to be able to hear it when she is older and her laugh has changed - even now sometimes i just love to listen to it

    (we tried EVERYTHING to make her laugh - the same sound my husband was making at the time - numerous times - she looked at us as if we were, it was funny the first time, this is just overkill....(sigh) sometimes they are smarter than we are....)

  5. My son is ticklish so a laugh is guaranteed when I tickle him.  

  6. Peek-a-boo with a towel or napkin over my head. My daughter couldn't get enough of it.

  7. Blow on her belly and "pretend" to eat her fingers and toes....make lots of noise while doing it!!

  8. theres lots of things...

    try holding her hands and setting her on your lap, maybe on a rocking recliner or something...and put your legs out kinda catch her with your legs. my niece absolutely loves that, she loves like hand games and stuff, take her hands and put them in silly motions with sound effects, she like like cockin the gun like "chh chh boom!"  laugh with her, she'll follow your example.

  9. She'll do it when she feels like it again. Whatever seems funny to her, she will laugh. Its not like she can be trained to laugh on command like a dog.  

  10. My dad does a bugs bunny impression which kids seem to think is hilarious. We make funny noises like clicking the tongue or making your lips vibrate. It's so cute to hear baby belly laughs! Good luck

  11. try to do something that is really interactive  and makes you look silly like asking where your shoes go and trying them on your head ( i learned this in a taking care of children clinic) she will probably think you look funny and try to correct you and she will probably laugh. try it.

  12. Okay well i  have a 8 month old baby and a 6 month old nephew and i found out that when i make this sound with my lips they both laugh. Well wat i do is. You know when you put lip stick on and u u smack your lips together? well make it sound kind of loud. I don't know why or if it will work on ur baby but it did on these 2. if i think of anything else ill be sure to let you know! GOOD LUCK!

  13. my 4 1/2 month old is super her shoulders/sides/and her what I do is play a little game called "what's that"  I'll say "charlotte what's that" and I take my nose and root around on her neck in her ticklish spot...she squinches her neck up and just starts laughing out loud at the anticipation of being tickled.  It's so cute!

    btw my daughter hates raspberries they startle her the first time I tried to give her raspberry she just curled her lip down and started tearing broke my heart and I haven't tried since.

  14. I only had to pull silly faces with mine and they thought I was the funniest. Try tickling her, playing peek a boo. They usually work :)

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