
What can you do to stop feeling anxious all the time?

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I'm 24 and pregnant with my third child. Lately I can't shake feeling anxiety over everything. I will just be sitting here and start feeling anxious like I should be doing something. My finances aren't good right now and that's a source of worry (but let's face it my finances have never been that great and everything that is happening now has happened before) but I am feeling overwhelming stress about it. I didn't feel like this two weeks ago it has just seemed to hit me this week. I am anxious about getting everything I need for the baby and about really anything and everything. What can I do to stop feeling so anxious? this is something I have never dealt with this long!




  1. hey there,

    Standard coping mechanisms are pretty commonly known, so I'm sry if this answer seems redundant. First off, you are perfectly entitled to stress at this point in your life and with the changes coming up and other circumstances that you mentioned. I highly suggest that you journal when you're feeling stressed/anxious. If you think that's a bunch of shrink talk, trust me it works. When I first heard this coping mechanism i was like "yeah right; this bs wont help, or "i don't know what to write". But omg it helped so much. Wheather you organize your writing in pros/cons, lists, or some other form, or whether you just write whatever comes to mind, I swear it makes a difference. Then go back and read what you've written...sometimes seeing it all  written down and reading it back helps your brain to figure things out easier and helps to identify problems. It's also an outlet for frustrations/anxiety. Do to the pregnancy, there are probly few if any meds you could take to help you; maybe talk to yr obgyn about this. The other option is to talk to someone; friend, family, or counselor. Talking has been proven to actualy alter the brain in  a similar way that meds would. One more option is to organize your stressors (in your mind or on paper) and focus on  trying to tackle only one thing at a time. Don't use the excuse of "I'm just to busy"...most people like that one. But is it really that heard to take 5 mins to do this inorder to improve the rest of your life? Good luck to you and to the child!

  2. you may be gettin ready to pop...i've heard some women get a maternal instinct to get everything taken care of right b4 the baby comes.  my wife was moving furnature(while i was at work against my wishes) and whatnot in the weeks b4 she popped.  she wanted everything to be ready.

  3. relax...anxiety/worry never did good for anyone. you gotta think differently. something youre thinking about is bothering you. instead of letting it bother you, know that it is probably trivial in the long run. whats the point of life if youre just gonna go through it being worried/angry/scared etc you know?

  4. CLEAN it helps me!!!

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