
What can you do to stop your What can you do to stop your gums from bleeding? Why would they be bleeding? Idea

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What can you do to stop your What can you do to stop your gums from bleeding? Why would they be bleeding? Idea




  1. 1.bleeding of gums may be caused by plaque which is a stone like material left on your teeth because  of not proper brushing technique. plaque causes the infection of the gums, thereby making it swollen and bleeds easily. see your dentist and have an oral prophylaxis.          2.bleeding of gums may be caused pathologically. have your blood laboratory check or see your physician.

  2. They bleed because you don't brush your teeth close enough to your gums. I had the same problem. Just brush closer to your gums or even on them. After a while they'll stop bleeding

  3. It could be Gingavitas, so you need to go to the dentist.  In the meantime, just keep brushing and flossing, even though they are bleeding.  Use a high flouride toothpaste if possible.  Rinse with salt water to diminish the swelling and soreness.

  4. I think only your dentist can give you the best answer. Go see your dentist right away.

    If you have rotten teeth your gum could bleed too or could be gum disease.

  5. It could be that your toothbrush bristles are hard and you may be brushing your teeth with too much pressure.  But take note, bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease that should not be taken for granted.  Make sure that you know the proper techniques of brushing.  Protect yourself from the complications of gum disease and seek help from a dental expert on how to fight the effects of the common health risk.  

    If you are experiencing gums that bleed then you must know that bleeding gums are not normal.  In the early stage of gum disease which refers to gingivitis, gums usually appear red, swollen and easily bleeding.  At this stage the disease is still reversible, and can be eradicated by daily brushing and flossing with proper technique.  If the gum disease advances because it is left untreated, to a more serious stage called periodontitis, there is a serious damage to the gums and bones that support the teeth.  It a must to see a dental expert if you experience bleeding gums so that you will be advised and given the treatments that you may need once the dentist have finished checking your gum condition.

    for more tips about cures for bleeding gums visit

  6. one reason why your gums bleed is if they are sensitive. this doesn't mean a disease, it could be something as simple as you havent flossed for a while. so when you DO floss, your gums bleed. they'll stop bleeding in a few minutes. you dont have to worry about blood loss. even though it looks like it may be a lot of blood, some of it mixes with your saliva.

  7. My gums bleed due to gum disease.You must see a Dentist at least twice a year to remove all the tartar and plaque.If the condition gets worse you will have gum loss,bone loss and lose teeth.It happened to me.You must also floss every day.

  8. Bleeding gums is a symptom of gum infection. Gums may bleed because of certain reasons. Vigorous brushing is the primary reason why gums bleed because of toothbrush abrasion. Poor nutrition and vitamin  deficiency can be also one of the reasons. However, the most common reason is gum infection that is being caused by bacteria.

    If bleeding gums is left untreated it can l progress to gingivitis which is the earliest stage of gum disease and may develop to advance gum disease causing a lot more trouble not only to your dental health but also to the overall health.

    Superior oral hygiene should be properly and diligently observed combined with right nutrition, vitamin intake and avoidance of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol for they are gum irritants. However, you still need to see a dental care expert to have a dental assessment of your condition.

    for more information on bleeding gums and other gum disease you may visit

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