
What can you do when a family member suddenly..?

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suddenly dropped out of my life and won't speak, when he was calling everyday and emailing me. I have told him I don't know what I have done and what ever it is I apologize for it. It wouldn't hurt so much except I trusted and really loved this brother. What bothers me the most is I don't really know what I have done and the fact that I miss my mother since her death and being close to family is important to me. It helps me still feel a part of her. I don't even know at this point if I want to be friends because it really confuses me and hurts to be done this way, and I really dont think there could be any kind of trust again, just don't know how to let it go in my heart.




  1. He may not have disappeared from sight because of something you've done. It may be because of something in his life he is ashamed of (ex. drug addiction/weight gain/ gambling problem/alcoholism/job loss) Perhaps you should go to him with a problem of your own. Write him an e-mail/ call him and tell him that the silence hurts you and that if you've done something wrong, you are sorry and want to reconcile. Tell him that you know that there is something wrong, but that you really need his help right now. Good luck! Hope it all works out!  

  2. He is probably going through depression.Go over to his house and talk to him about it.

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