
What can you do when someone keeps damaging your car?

by  |  earlier

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we have recently had runnings with a kid that lives near us as he shoplifts from my partners shop and as a result my partner has banned him from going in. He now keeps damaging our car on nights, first it was the wing mirrors and now really deep scratches along the car, it now looks horrible. I have seen him knock off mirrors off other cars near us but not our own, however I know it is him, what can I do?




  1. Videotape what you saw and use it as evidence, contact the police and use that to make a lawcase with them, its damaging property on purpose.

  2. leave your dog with out its leash.. and if u dont have a dog.. get 1

  3. Damage his face

  4. How old is this kid?

    Wait outside one night, and then kick his ****...

  5. You have to witness it in person. It's really hard to prosecute someone if there's not an eyewitness.

  6. I had i similar problem with the neighborhood kids and all I did was buy a very inexpensive CCTV at Lowe's for about $200.00 and this solved the problem when I caught them on camera, I just show it to the parents and the problem was over.

  7. sue them?

    tell the police??!

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